Yes!! Finally, for the first time since school started I can sleep! I have no homework or no obligations!! I got em all done today while in school. I am enjoying this day greatly. I'll cherish it forever. A moment of silence please to commemorate this joyous moment.........

okay so yeah this post will be small and simple since I need to rest. Since school Started I have only been getting like 6 hours of sleep in a day. Sometimes it wasn't even that and it wasn't even like 6 hours straight. It was like 3 hours here one hour there an hour at school. I'm surprised I am able to actually stay up like this and not be worn out by now. I guess stayin up late all summer long has had a good effects after all. ^.^ I could really go for a good massage right now too, but I don't think anyone will be willing to do that because I live with a bunch of meanies.

Right now I am in the middle of editing a picture I drew. Its going to be so awesome (at least I hope so). I'll put up before and after pictures of it when it is done. Well then I guess that is everything I have to say for now.


