Yeah, this world is what is going on in my head and my life. (Well some of what is going on in my head...not everything. Just wanted to clear that up for you.) So yeah, hope you like reading what I have to say. Don't forget to comment to. I would like to know what you think of my world you know. Cause if it sucks, I would like to kno. So, yeah, that's it!!

Hatch Day

Hello everyone! Today, as many may know, is my hatch day. Yes, I said hatch day. Tis the day I was hatched outta a box. Today I though I'll tell you all the story of my hatching. I hope you enjoy it.

So its like this right. On this day, year 1995 I was hatched out of a box. But this was no ordinary box. This box was in the pacific ocean and it had came from a crevice in the depths of the moon. The box was then spit out of the moon and sent spiraling down to earths surface, which is how it got in the underbellies of the pacific ocean. Another key factor to point out is that, this box was manufactured in china. Interesting story is it not?

(I edited this picture. I think its awesome.)


Hey! It's starlight princess here and you know what time it is? CONFESSION TIME!! That's Right, I am every so often going to do a post confessing things about myself. Today's goal is going to be 25 confessions. During times like these you may hear some of my deepest darkest secrets and some really silly things and some bizarre things. If the post becomes too long then I'll continue it in another post xD Feel free to leave a comment or two with some of your own confessions if you want! I won't stop you.

(I could have did waaay better on making this picture. I apologize for the quality.)


1. I don't like cats

2. My face is a ball magnet. (No matter where I am at, if there's a ball
present it will hit me.)

3. I like to be alone.

4. I often draw in the dark.

5. I'm lazy at times.

6. I frequently trip over things that aren't there.

7. I have the tendency to space out ore then I should.

8. I like violent things.

9. My favorite thing to eat is chips.

10. I mostly stay up all night and sleep all day.

11. I cannot sleep on my back

12. One time I fell down the stairs... 4 times in a roll all on the same day.

13. I have drunken spoiled milk before.

14. I pretend not to hear people just so they can repeat themselves.

15. I am currently in a relationship with several fictional characters.

16. I will argue with someone even after I realize I'm wrong.

17. People freak me out.

18. I tell people that I was never born, and in fact I was hatched from a box
in the ocean.

19. I watch desperate housewives

20. My best friend use to be a plant when i was in kindergarten.

21. I never had any friends when I was little.

22. I cried when I went to see my plant and someone had step on it and kilt it.

23. I was a weird kid.

24. I didn't get a real friend until I was in 4th grade. sad right?

25. I never had enemies.

The human centipede?

Hello fellow earthlings. I bid you a how-do-you-do. Im doing pretty good today. Talked to my boyfriend a little. Ate a banana, watched it rain and just overall chilled. The only thing that woula made this day better would be tea. Yes Tea. Im a tea-aholic. lolz i woulda mad eme some but when I wentto look, there was o tea :( IT was a sad time for me. I had to have a moment of silence. But anyways lolz moving along to the topic at hand:

Any of you clowns out there (and non clowns) ever seen the human centipede? I have watched it. and let me tell you, it was every thing I expected and more. Usually I don't watch movies like that. But a dear, dear, friend of mine recommended it to me one day in class. She kept ranting on and on about how funny and awesome the movie was and that i should watch it. This end up with me watching the trailor. What can I say, it cought my attnetion and I was wanting to watch it. So when I got home, I watched it. During the whole thing I had my moments where I had to pause it and take a quick break and re-cap on what I just saw.

My Reaction:
I laughed, I cried (on the inside) I got angry, I cringed, I laughed some more,and I was grossed out. My overall reaction of the movie was, it was good the actors incredibly stupid but they played there part well. Would I see it again? Yeah maybe with some friends.I found it funny due to how stupid the main characters were. If you saw these two girls and if you watched the movie you'll see what I mean. Below are a list of tips I created from this movie to prevent you from being in a situation like these two girls Lindsey, and I don't remember the other girls name. Following these tips can help prevent you from falling into situations that are horrible.

My Tips:
1. When visiting another country, please make sure you know the language or have someone there to translate for you. It will make it very easy for you while your there

2. If you get lost while driving somewhere in that country, like I don't know a club, and you take a wrong turn and then your tire goes flat or something and its at night. Please stay in your car. Until morning.

3. If you failed at tip 2 an got out of your car, don't go running into the unknown to find help. Especially if you don't know where your going and its raining, and its dark out.

4. If you failed at tip 3 and went wondering off into the unknown, please please don't run up to a strangers house and start pounding on there windows and doors.

5. If you do happen to find a strangers house and pound on there window and doors and they do open the door. do not go inside. Especially if they ask if your alone!

6. If for some odd reason you do go inside, do not accept a drink from the stranger

7. If while your in the strangers house and he/she starts yelling in a language you don't understand, that is the clue to leave.

8. If you were smart, and did not listen to tip 6 you are probably feeling a little sick. That is because that drink was tainted.

9. If you see your friend is feeling sick and tired do not ask if she is okay. Its obvious she inst and her drink was tampered with. Do not stay there in that house screaming and asking the stranger what they did.

10. If the stranger comes at you with a needle, do not crawl on the floor. He/she will still get you.

11. Congratulation! If you ignored all the tips above you have just volunteered to be part of the Human centipede! (or some other dangerous situation) You really have no one to blame but yourself for being so un-thoughtful I should say.

12. If you followed these tips, you lessen your chances of being kidnap, and or experimented on. (there is still a chance that it could happen to you but its not that high, unless you do something else more un-thoughtful)

Thank you and remember: The best way to stop a problem is to prevent it!

Please enjoy this, unrelated to the topic, picture!

I'm back!!!

Hello all! And welcome to the Grand re-opening of MY WEIRD IMAGINATION!!! Its weird I know because I never really actually closed it, so I cant be opening something was never closed. Well that's were your wrong! In my weird imagination what makes sense to you is invalid. in fact everything you thought was logical is not logical in fact its ILLOGICAL!! Lolz So with that in mind leave a comment. If you hate this post and my grand re-opening leave a comment, if you liked it leave a comment, if you have questions or concerns or comments leave a comment, if you don't want to leave a comment, then leave one anyway telling me why you don't want to leave a comment. I love comments no matter what they are, how mean or insignificant! xD

Moving along, I know I know, I have been gone for some moths. Maybe a year...or two, but whose counting! There was a reason for that. You know what that was? I typically got bored with the site and busy with life. But upon having free time, I looked back at all my posts and realized how much fun this was. And thus that began my new legacy. Now I can go on and on describing things that have past, but I think Its time to move on. With a new start comes a new .....what ever I forgot what the heck I was talking about. But anyways I wont be talking about the past but about events as they so happen.

I have missed you all, and hope you all are still as awesome as you were before I left, and no doubt, i think you are! lolz

There is still more to come! I want to leave you off with an awesome picture or some type of video but I dont have anything. So I'll try and think of something awesome to get your brains thinking. I know! Ill leave you with a small scenario, and in the comments you can tell me what you would do

You and others maybe friends that you met are the only ones who can save the planet from the destruction of an unknown outside opposing force. How would you do it?

If that's too complicated than answer this:

You walking down the street when suddenly out of the sky an alien walks up to you and introduces him/her self to you . What do you do?

If you dont want to answer either one, plz do, still leave a comment. Even if your comment is just hi, I highly sterss the fact of you to leave a comment. It only takes a quick second! ^_^

Until next time!