this is Halloween!

It feels like Halloween aleady, ive been looking forward to it all week, which is wierd since I kinda dont really like Halloween... I guess its this Amv:

Ive had it stuck in my head all week XD
Ive even drawn a group picture with a person representing each one described in the song...
then they began looking like my ocs, (idk why, i just realized it XD)
then I realized that I forgot "I am the one hiding under your bed, teeth ground sharp and eyes glowing red" and since they looked like my ocs, I made that one Kiri...
Theres also Aya, Logan (Click!)Kari, Ryo, and Sakura(my new Utau Oc... Look on my Deviantart!)
Im bored... Ill be on my DA... so, bye!

and I cant find my new pages for All is Fair
I spent so much time on them, and now im freaking out, I did them in july and never scanned them in, and i want to now, I was trying a K-on! style for the little kids and it was AWESOME >.<

p.s. I love these New(er) openings!

this one is awesome how they put that togethor!

I like Luka :D

This is AWESOME:
