Hanas Turn for the quiz!

Hana: YAY!
Ame: no! me!
me:ok, Hana is my Camp half-blood OC, Ame is as well, Hanas twin Dylan isnt going to do the quiz ^^ Kari is my were-wolf/human Rp OC
1. Choose a few of your own characters. Five at the most.
2. Make them answer the following questions.
3. Tag three other people.

How old are you?
What's your height?
5'10, 6"/5'12 with my bow
Do you have any bad habits?
I bite my fingernails a ot, and i have a habit of not paying attent- BUTTERFLY!!!!
Are you a virgin?
Yes, (If I want, Dylan would probably die from shock)
Who's your mate/spouse?
I kinda like this guy at camo =..= *blush*
Do you have any kids?
Obviously, no
What's your favorite food?
Rice and cinnamon
What's your favorite ice cream flavor?
Have you killed anyone?
Maybe maybe not, at least not any demi-gods
Do you hate anyone?
Not really....
Do you love anyone?
*See question where i just said I kinda like someone
What is your job?
I have no job
Boy or Girl?
pretty sure girl
What do you do to relax?
Hang around by the canoe lake
What song do you think would best describe yourself?
hmmmm.... "Lesson Number 1" from Mulan =^.^=

Any hidden talents or something?
Anything no one else knows about you?
I can whip out throwing knives faster than most people in camp
What do you think of your creator?
I have a creator?
What color is your hair?
