This is going to be like my diary, but since i have netnanny and she seems to think this is "mature" i cant type on here much, but when i can i will!

lol, best scene EVER

haha... harry potter six.... BEST SCENE EVER!!!!

right there->

hehehehehehe.... Harry should drink Felix most oftenXD he acts completely high!

oh yeah... and links

shoot >.<;;

oh shoot

not only did I accidently submit that k-on wallpaper twice, I also realize that on a desktop pc, the colors on top are all messed up,

well, laptop users, its for you then, cause it looks perfectly fine on laptop screens!


click please!

sigh... Ive been really unactive.... OTL

BUT I recently just mass updated my DA (12 sketches, one photoshop painting and a meme)

I like the painting (click)
although her hair ended up looking funny.....

Ive also started a new Manga, Gemu no Sekai (Game World)clicku~

and even though theres no official stuff yet, you can see a ton on my DA...

this stuff.... the characters? easy to draw,
the plot, easy to follow, I have the first chapters thumbnails in a notebook (a few pages after that lined paper picture of "Sin" (Deaths ex)in my french/everything notebook)

everythings PERFECT
I even did the line art and hair/skin of my cover in record time!

its just so much fun!

I can take off my panties! Rin and Gumi ROCK

HOw many of you clicked this thinking it was perverted?

SUPRISE! its not!
Id mylist this song ^^

haha... Rin hard rock, it cant be Rin! shes cute, and sweet, and innocent, and wait, shes killing everyone? yup, its Rin ^^(my comment)

she sounds so human!

last line= WIN
This song.... wont ever get out of your head...
just warning you

My mangatar...omg OTL

OTL my.... mangatar *lol*
External Image


i look funnyXD
make your own! right here!