This is going to be like my diary, but since i have netnanny and she seems to think this is "mature" i cant type on here much, but when i can i will!

OC Meme

Rules: 1) Choose 5 of your OCs 2) Make your OCs answer these questions. 3) Tag 5 other people. 4) Add one question of your own. OCs on this interview: Mai Hinamori - Age:17 Gender: Female Ser...

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81 subs~~ thank you!

thanks for the 81 subs!B)

I love you guys so much<3

:3 pluggin'


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BORDERS! and One of my new favorite mangas...

is Fall in love like a Comic!

its amazingly cute and well done, you should read it!


herp derp :3

I first saw it in barnes and noble and starting reading:



I went there yesterday, buy 3 get 4th free on manga External Image

I got the very last K-on~ (as in, last one they had...)
book one,
High School of the Dead, one and two(I love that series<3)
and book one of Hell Girl<3
didn't get 3 since I was with my grandma for my birthday and I didn't want to impose....

ummm I started My comic back up again >~<

YUP, this thing

it's much better now!

I would submit it here, but the pages are a bit big, the language a bit... language-y (mild swears... and then a potty mouth where you least expect it) and stuff like that...

If anyone doesn't have a SmackJeeves but has a DeviantArt account, I COULD start updating it there as well.... but would anyone be interested?

asdfghjkl I need a new banner for it OTL but I haven't finished even INKING the picture I would consider using (that is, This)

or I could use one of THESE sketches of Mai... or my new ones of her in different costumes that I haven't put up yet....

or one of THESE witches even...

By the Way, I originally used THIS
also! I'm submitting THIS to THIS challenge,
think it would be accepted?