fork(); wait(); exec(); ...what?

I'm sure most of you are wondering about the title...Well let me explain. I spend my whole day trying to write a project of mine, I just started it to be more exact! It is a programming project in which I have to use the commands you see in the title and a lot more! It took me hours to figure out how to use them and stuff cause our..dearest professor didn't bother explaining! So I'm really tired. I have a half done project that's barely working. I'm starving. And I think I'm falling asleep(it's 10:00 pm here)...

Besides all that my doby hurts like hell cause I had a FitBall training yesterday. It was my first one and I have to say it was exausting! On the other hand I found out that I have no all! I was trying so hard to keep my self off the ground...I started laughing almost every minute! I laughed a lot, I thought that the trainer was about to ask me and my friend to step out or something!^^'

Still I survived!!!And here I am!!! I made two (late) birthday gifts today.

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Go feedback them or I'm gonna FitBall you!!!hehe ^^

Cya Guys...
