The Best Game

Okay, so, for my Christmas, I got a Wii! Great! I love Wii's. But I only have Wii Sports. I think I need some more games.

So there I was, shopping for games... any game really. I'm sick of being told i'm 34 by my Wii Sports. I'm about to give up when, there it is, the best game I have probably ever played. It even surpased Guitar Hero.


Now, i'd heard of this game once before, even played it once on the PS2. But it is nothing compared to it's Wii gameplay. Based on the Japanese sun god, you go around as a wolf, trying to rid the world of evil

"What's different!" I hear you say.


You have to collect and master 13 brushes, which are scattered across the game. These brushes have different powers, Some cut, others make flowers and trees bloom, You can even make the sun rise! But they all have their important part to play.

The best part is, you get to draw it!

Well, the PS2 version may have been good, but to REALLY get a feel for this game, is has to be played on the Wii, there's no comparison really.

Also, I bought the 8th Bleach... So today has been pretty productive. Best of the year by far!

Anyway, I shall rant no further, but if you have a Wii, this game's definatly worth buying, pretty cheap too, if you shop around, I got it for £15 in the sales.

Later dudes.
