Konnichiwa! {。^◕‿◕^。}

Currently watching/reading
Favorite Anime ATM: Vampire Knight

-It may change-

{。^◕‿◕^。} tumblr's ⇨ little wonders. | 5sos perfection. | free! iwatobi swim club.

Welcome to Otaku Orientation! This is my place to everything related to anime. ☀ Such as anime I'm currently watching, manga I'm currently reading, recommendations and updates about my otaku life! ☚

◰ ◱ ◲ If you any questions to recommend to me that you may want to ask everyone on this world. Then first, please PM me telling me the following details: Would you like to be a guest poster in order to post it or shall I post it for you and give you credit for it?, What anime or manga does it focus on? and of course then tell me the question. ◰ ◱ ◲

Check 'em out! {personalanime/mangabooks}

What is the first anime you ever watched?

Konichiwa Mina,

Time for another question! ^^ This question didn't take so much time to think about and it pretty much had been stuck in my head all day! XD But anyways,

Today's questions will be:
What is the first anime you ever watched?

(NOTE: First name your first one, and then you can name the other ones.)

MY ANSWER: As you might know or might not know, I discovered anime when I was 6. I liked the cuteness of the characters like their big eyes. ^^ The first anime I EVER watched was anime called "Onegai My Melody." I'm not sure if many people know this anime, but I really enjoyed it! The second anime I watched was....I think it was..Sailor Moon! I love that show. *_*

[P.S I'm not sure if any of you are annoyed by it, but my posts are very long! Sorry if you hate the fact that they're long. x3]

Leave your answers in the comments~


Which anime character is your Idol?

Konichiwa Mina,

Hey everyone! I haven't posted a question for so long...I'm sorry. I've been busy with School lately that I haven't been even able to think of another question! >o< Sorry about that!

today's question will be:
Which anime character is your Idol?

(NOTE: It can be more than 1 character.)

MY ANSWER: There are so many anime characters that I look up to, and wish to become someone like them one day. But if I had to choose at least 2, then it would have to be Yuuichi from Kanon and Hinata from Angel Beats. They're both very inspirational and brave.

Leave your answers in the comments~


What is the best thing you like on theOtaku.com?

Konichiwa Mina,

Hi there, Otaku-artists! I'm here once again, with another question! This one took me time to think about! I hope you like it.

Today's Question will be:
What is the best thing you like on theOtaku.com?

MY ANSWER: To be honest, when I was thinking about joining theO...I thought I wouldn't make any friends! I had thoughts that people were going to ignore me and not going to talk to me. I was thinking negative, and then when I finally made up my decision of joining it...BAM! So many friendly artists started talking and helping me! I was really happy. ^^

I just want thank all my subscribers, friends, and helpers for all your support!
I'm very very very glad that I was able to meet you! The best thing I like on theO is all the friendly artists here! They make me feel right at home!

Leave your answers in the comments!~


Who is your favorite Villain from your favorite anime/manga?

Konichiwa Mina,

Hey y'all! Once again, I have another question that I want to present to you, and I think it's a pretty interesting one! :D
So today's question will be:
Who is your favorite Villain from your favorite anime/manga?

(Note: You don't have to put a explanation! If you want to, that would be great!)

MY ANSWER: First of all, I don't necessarily have a favorite anime but I'l just choose Code Geass. Out of all the Villains there, I would choose Lelouch because he was practically the Villain of the show! But I choose him because I love his personality. I liked how he kept going and never gave up.

Leave your answers in the comments!
Talk to you laterz~


Who is your least favorite anime character?

Kanichiwa Mina,

Hi y'all! I'm so happy I got some really nice answers in my last post and they were all so wonderful! I liked how you guys stuck with your opinions! ^^

Anyways, since the last time I did this type of question, I got so many answers and Positive Comments, I thought of doing another one again!
Today's Question will be:
Who is your least favorite anime character?

For me, that's pretty hard because I like a lot of characters! But to be honest, I kinda dislike Lloyd from Code Geass. I thought of him as a kinda annoying character and he just didn't fit in my Interests.

Leave your answers below!
Talk to you laterz~
