Roswell: Basic bio + random facts

Roswell (no surname)

Age: Mid-30's
Appearance: Tanned skin, fluffy white hair, gray eyes
Tall, sturdy build
Personality: Domineering, Rationalizing, Protective, Immodest

Role in Guardian Angel:
Ruler of the realm of angels in the stead of "God". Orders Arabella's death, is unsuccessful due to interference from That Pervert. Is later overthrown when Lucifer invades and has his wings torn out (violently). Begs "God" for assistance, is rejected. Falls under Lucifer's rule, will later retake the realm.

Role in The Priest and the Doctor:
An American serving as an army cleric in eastern Europe. Is generally a terrible priest and uses a twisted form of utilitarianism to justify his amoral actions. Gets involved with a series of mysterious crimes while searching for his younger brother.

Other alter egos: Crime boss, Rich safari guy, OCD bakery owner

Random facts:

His first crush was on a girl named Katrina when he was about ten years old. He bullied her relentlessly. The first time he ever regretted his actions was when he made her cry. He didn't realize his feelings for her until they met again decades later. She's tried to forget about him, but he's too prominent of a public figure. She dislikes him, he makes clumsy attempts to woo her without realizing the depth of her grudge.

In his free time (Angel-verse), he's taught himself to play dozens of instruments. He favors the Spanish guitar, but keeps an otamatone around just to be annoying.

Is pretty much an enormous man-slut.

Believes himself to be a magnificent cook. Is actually a very good cook, but not as dazzling as he likes to think.
