Character Bios :)

ok i have some of my characters sussed out (finally...) ill start with my heros or whatever u wanna call them then my villans then hopefully later ill be able to finish my character pics and post them up too :D

Gender: Female
Age: 17
Nationality: Japanese
Bio: A very shy girl and always concerned for her team mates. She was put into a 3 man cell for the exploration for the underground sector 361 in Tokyo. Yu has the ability to heal her cell mates and create large whirilwinds with her 2 fans. Yu is also the air head of the cell.

Gender: Male
Age: 18
Nationality: Japanese
Bio: The only male in the 3 man cell he feels rather singles out most of the time. He has been friends with Yu since he was 10 because they were nextdoor niebours. Kai was the one who suggested to him sensei that he could form a 3 man cell for investigation of ungerdround sector 361. Kai can be very stubborn at times. He has the ability to disapear and attack with lightening speed with his two toothed blades, your tipical assassin/ninja.

Gender: Female
Age: 20
Nationality: Unknowen
Bio: The eldest in the cell, she is extreamly stuborn and hates 'cry babies'. Seika join the cell because she thought it would be fun and interesting to go to the notorious sector 361 even if she dispises Yu. Seika's attack are very basic but deadly, she attacks with a large axe.

Gender: Female
Age: Unknowen (Immortal)
Nationality: Unknowen
Bio: Not very much is knowen about Reimu but she does appear early on in the sector and befriends the group further on. Reimu is the extreamly nasty version of Seika, she often taunts and throws tantrums with deadly consicuences. Similar to Seika she hates 'cry babies' and is stubborn but she can often appear gentle and kind but snap quickly.

Gender: Male
Age: Unknowen (Immortal)
Nationality: Unknowen
Bio: Zenon is Reimus older brother even if he doesnt look it (being very short) he gets angry when people mistake him for the younger and call him short or small etc. Zenon can manipulate fire and ice everything else about him is unknowen.

Gender: Male
Age: Unknowen (Presumed Immortal)
Nationality: Romanian
Bio: The leader of the 'Ripper clan' the most often seen deamon clan in the sector. He disguises himself in human skin to fool opponents. His attacks are simmilar to Kai's except he can poisen people with his blood. He has been a loyal friend to the Hayashi family for a long period of time.

Ill post the plot up soon and mabe youll understand certian aspects in the bios that you might not now.. ^^
