Everyday I'm posting~

So if you read my last post I'm thinking of giving myself some motivation to post. Just like I give motivation to myself to make walls/cards/I-walls. (If you haven't noticed, I motivate myself by making these things for my subbers/friends xD)

If you have any ideas please comment ^_^
Things I already got:

Monday Blues- Ranting day for what happened in the last week, lol >_<

Tuesday Talk-a-lots- If I have something to say about my boring life

Worrywart Wednesday- Day where I express my worry on most things D:

Time-for-fun Thursday- (Not stories anymore) SweeTea's Joke of the Day is really interesting! So I thought I'd do that but instead it'll be riddles and guessing games~!

Friday Fun- Random awesomeness? XD

Saturday Sweets- Where I look upon all the good things that has been happening ^^ (Thank you snowzi!)

Edit: I changed some things :p
