It's random time 2

Yeah sometimes, (I would say from boredom but actually it's not) we need to post some random posts. (not really, but ah well.. XD)

Just yesterday somewhere near midnight began one of the most known films, The Seven samurais. For those that haven't heard for it, it is classic and cult movie from Japanese cinema which is about 50-60 years old. The thing is that the movie just too good is, but it was quite late so I only watched half of it.
I will later post about it in my new world that I plan to put (because I have noticed how it even if it is that old has some connection with today modern animes) and maybe I will even write a review after I watch the whole one.^^

Then I went to sleep, but that's what the problem was. Is by any of you hot these days? But I mean REALLY hot! I could almost sleep naked, but not sure would it help even then. LoL
But that wasn't the problem as the other one which was to actually go to fall asleep, because lot of things were on my mind. And as when you usually eat watermelon, I got up four times to go toilet before I actually fell asleep.

Other than that trying to find some motivation for my work, playing some game that I should have finished ages ago and watching DBZ abridged parody on youtube (the best anime parodies ever!!).

And oh yeah, yesterday I made barbecue for my parents (and myself xD) and in mean time we got some random prize to go a dinner tomorrow in some restaurant. I SO don't feel going there. LoL, maybe If I don't say anything my father will forget as well. :3
And that just reminded me that I wanted to go to drive practice today with him, but I guess it was too hot, so I forgot.. Man, I forget so many things these days. XD

Yup, I just felt like writing something random.^^
