
Yeah, today we had something similar to trial in school. Not real one, but something happened with our civics group. Well basically we borrowed our shirts to this volleyball team and one of the girls was from our group. So when she returned the shirts, she didn't washed it completely and one guy from our group (which is my very good friend and from that girl too) just got angry because of disrespect and yeah... So that went to our school psychologist and then to our class teacher and then, well we got a trial instead of our Bosnian class today. It was... stupid. -_-'
I didn't want to say anything, since we are all always hanging out and I am good friends with both of them at school, but I clearly could see who was wrong. It was weird, and I don't to bother with more details, but I think that the situation between them is getting better. :)
The main problem was that this guy wanted to quit out civics group, making a huge problem for us and probably getting kicked out of the competition, because we couldn't find the replacement on time.
And at the end, as I am class president, I needed to say some speech to school psychologist and all that. But basically I was so tired that I said something that went the whole class in laughing, but I can't remember what. xD It was something like "Thanks for wasting your time with us and our class", or something like that... I guess it doesn't matter now.^^

Except that, today we had some medical practice from biology and some tests and some other weird stuff... Basically my normal school day! xD

Oh yeah, also during this literature class (some additional Bosnian classes that I go), I actually mentioned manga during something and now my teacher wants to see it. LOL! And then we talked in general about Japanese literature. I don't have many manga in my language and the one that I have she wouldn't like, so yeah... But it will be all good. xD
