A long tag!!

Tagged by both Strawberry-chan and Brooke-chan! This looks fun!^^

What's your name? Fikret

Age? 17

What country do you live in? Bosnia and Herzegovina!

Do you like it? Well... It has some positive things about it.^^

Where is your dream vacation? JAPAN FOR SURE!!

Do you enjoy camping? Of course!! Very much... Wait, is that the same camping I am thinking on? xD

Boy or girl? Dude. xD

What color are your eyes? Light brown.

Do you care a lot about the way you look? Well, usually not, but sometimes it depends...

Do you consider yourself attractive? Never thought about it too much, I guess it more matters what others think.

What compliment do you recieve most often? That I am sweet?

Are you a camera whore? Nope!

Regular whore? -___-

Who is your best friend? There are more than just one, and I think that they all know who they are.^^

How long have you been friends? Some from 13 years, to some that goes in months.

What do you love most about him/her? Hm, I could write a lot here...

Do you fight a lot? I try not to.

Do you have a lot of friends? In one way, yes. In another, no.

If you had to label yourself, what would you say? Not sure...

Are you more likely to be called a loser or a slut? Weird one. Looser, I guess...

Are you in high school? If you call this hell a high school. -.-

Do you hate drama? Not so much with me, but I see a lot to others. Don't like it really.

What is your favorite animal? I have lot, but one of them is a wolf and cat.

Do you prefer dogs or cats? Hard decision, but cats, since I had a cat a many many kitties for some years.

Will you be an old cat lady in the future? LOL!!

What is your favorite color? Green and silver!

Are you overweight? Nope.

Underweight? Nope again.

What's your favorite snack? Little delicious chocolate bars. :D

Do you frequent starbucks? Am, no.

What do you buy there? Nothing really.

What genre of music is your favorite? Trance, dance, J-pop, metal and many more...

What are your favorite bands? Regina, Muse, Bump of a chicken, Black mages...

Have you ever seen any live? Not yet!

Do you love the summertime? It depends.

What are your favorite summer activities? Um, it depends. xD But I like being with my friends, because then I usually almost every day have an empty apartment, so it is really a fun.^^

Do you have a job? Not a real one.

Do you work a lot? Does studying count? xD

Do you like it or hate it? It depends on the situation.

If you could be any age, how old would you be? OVER 9000!!!!!

Are you more excited or scared for the future? Kinda scared...

Are you more of a "bad kid" or a "good kid"? I am an angel! xD

Do you drink, smoke, or do any drugs? NEVER!!!!!!!!!!

If not, do you want to? ........................

What is your favorite alcoholic beverage? NONE!!

have you ever been drunk? No, and I hope that it will stay that way.

Do you have any friends you hate? I don't hate anyone.

Do you wish you had more friends? Probably not, but I wish that some that I had would return back...

What is your sexual orientation? Straight like a line!

Do you believe everyone is bisexual? -_- What kind of question is this??

Do you believe in conspiracy theories? I don't bother with that.

what is your favorite academic subject? History and computer science and geography.

Do you wish you were famous? Not fame, just glory!

What's your favorite store in the mall? *thinks* I like computer stuff.^^

Do you shop at stereotypical stores like Abercrombie, Hollister, etc? Probably not. xD

What is your favorite clothing style? Hard to say.

do you have a lot of clothes? Not really.

Do you buy a lot of expensive clothes? Not a lot

What do you want your career to be? What I want, is not what I see...

Are you a nihilist? Huh??

Did you have to look that term up? Sure thing. xD

What kind of phone do you have? Sony Ericsson K800i.

what does the last text you recieved say? Even if I would write it, you wouldn't understand the language. xD But it was about some test or something...

What did you reply? "Vjerovatno je mozdana kora" - "It is probably the cortex of brain?" I had from biology, so I was studying with one friend...

What were you talking about? Studying, what else you do when you go to this school... xD

What's the last thing you said outloud? "A"! LOL!

Do you really laugh out loud when you say LOL? Probably not.^^

how much time do you spend on the computer everyday? It is not counted in numbers, it is counted in sections of the day. xD

Do you have a facebook? I don't use that site.

do you love it or hate it? I have a nicer life without it.

Do you ever go on chatroulette? Nope!

What are your favorite online sites? The Otaku FTW!! :D

What does your daily routine consist of? From Monday to Friday... Get up, go to school, get back, reply to message of Brooke, do workout while watching an episode of random anime, reply to other messages, study for two hours, eat, play a random video game for a hour, study for another two to three hours, go to be on theO, go to sleep...

Do you hate getting up early? I actually like getting up early. The sight when sun is rising over the hills is precious... Except it is when I have to go to school. -_-

do you have a lot of fun on the weekend? There is a special time for me then.

Is your family close? It all depends!

Is it dysfunctional? Huh?

Do you have a lot of siblings? No one!

Do you go on im a lot? Sometimes.

what is your favorite IM program? From now, it is skype.

Do you save IM logs? If it is automatic, then yes.

Were you a different person two years ago? Not much.

Do you like yourself better now, or then? Myself in general... Well, now more.^^

Would you say you're mature or immature for your age? Mature, but I am complex person.

Are you smart? People say that I am.

Or are you one of those dumb kids who are too dumb to realize they're dumb? No

Are you a nice person or are you mean? I try to be nice as possible.

Do you tell it how it is? Yush!

Describe your personality in 3 words. Wise, nice, caring.

Do others misunderstand you? Hehe, like I said, it is complex...

Are you in school? I go to school! YAY! Irony...

Do you enjoy school? I used to, before I got in this hellish place of school, where people haven't heard a word other than studying. But it has it nice times.^^

Do you prefer the academic or social part of school? The one that is harder?

What are your favorite classes? Computer science, English, German, Bosnian ( the last one, because of laughing xD)

Do you talk to your teachers? A lot!

Are you single or taken? Wouldn't you like to know? ^^

If you're single, do you wish you were taken? That's a philosophic question.

What's your sexual orientation? You already asked that, baka.

What's your favorite brand of soap? NaOH!

Do you like chocolate cake? Sure.

Or do you prefer vanilla? Nope.

Do you like Top 40 music? I listen to it sometimes.

What's your favorite song right now? Firefly.

Do you listen to a lot of old bands? Not really.

What features do you find most attractive in a boy or girl? Personality.

Do you play video games? Sure!

What are your favorite games? Final Fantasy, Tales of, Dragon Quest, MGS...

Favorite platforms? Play Station.

do you play computer games? Do emulators count?

What are your favorite games? I wouldn't need to think about it...

Are you an avid reader? Not sure do I understand this term. But if I do, then not too much, but I like reading.^^

What are your favorite authors? Never thought about it really...

Favorite books? Lord of the Rings, Crime and Punishment, The Lighting thief..

Do you watch youtube videos a lot? I like watching them.

Who are your favorite youtubers? Ray, HCBailley, Nigahiga, Hulaberry32 (your covers count too^^) and so on...

Least favorite youtubers? Not sure.

Are you subscribed to a lot of channels? Not much, around 70 or so.

Do you upload videos? I always wanted, never got the chance...

Do you have a lot of views? No.

Are you a troll? I am a goblin. xD Jk!^^

Have you ever jumped off a waterfall? Um, noo...

Have you ever been to a bar? Been yes, don't like it though.

Have you ever been kissed? It depends where and from whom.

Are you religious? I try to do as less sins as I can.

Spiritual? Spiritual... Hm, this term has many meanings, so I am not sure.

Or are you an athiest? NO!

Do you spend a lot of time outside? I used to.

What's your least favorite insect? I would have to think about it...

Do you exercise a lot? When I have time yes, and during break, an even more yes. xD

How far can you run without stopping? Not much, I need to work on my stamina.

Do you play any sports? When I have time, and when the sport is good.^^

Do you do any volunteer work? I like doing that, but there are not many here where I live.

Do you consider yourself a good person? Yes.

Are you happy? I guess.

What are your hobbies? Collecting, writing, researching...

Do you have a tan? Not really.

If so, do you go to a tanning salon? Nope.

Do you dye your hair a lot? Again, nope.

Can you remember what your natural hair color is? I don't have to remember it, I can just look myself in the mirror.

Can you drive? More or less, yes.

Do you have a license? Not yet, I need to wait till 18.

Do you recycle? Sure!

All the time? It needs to be done.

Do you sneeze in a cute way or in a loud way? Very loud and strong.

Have you ever gone skinny dipping? What's that??

Have you ever snuck out? Not really.

Are barely ever at home, or are you home a lot? I am usually at home.

Have you ever lived away from home? Nah!

What's one of your favorite memories? Heh, there are many memories that I treasure...

What's something upcoming that you're excited for? Hm, I don't know...

What time is it? 14:15

Is there something you should be doing right now? Studying, duh... -.-

Do you have to get up early tomorrow? Something will probably wake me up early tomorrow, I just know it!

Is today a good day? It all depends, but for now it is not bad.^^

What's your favorite food? Uh, I have many.

Can you tell this is my first survey? You have a lot of free time. xD

What's your favorite holiday? The one who takes mostly of my school days? Haha, just kidding...

What's your biggest goal? For that, I am still searching!

Now this was LONG!! But it was fun alright. :D And I think that almost all the persons that I would tag, are either tagged in Cloud's or Brooke's post, so if anyone else is there, feel free to do this.^^
