5 things that I maybe like, maybe not...

I was tagged for this by Brooke and it is my duty to do it!^^

5 Nicknames:
1. Fy-Fy
2. Fiky
3. nindog
4. Light
5. Fiko

5 Best Friends:
1. Almir
2. Selver
3. Mirza
4. Brooke! :D
5. A lot of other persons here on theO who are good friends

5 Enemies:
1. National republic army
2. Paramilitary organization Red Berets
3. HVO
4. To tell you the truth...
5. I don't have real enemies. xD

5 Generic Things About You:
1. I love to fight (but only for fun and defending others)
2. I like drawing and anything that has to do with art
3. Sometimes listening to sad music when I am sad can bring back my mood
4. I love to watch many types of anime, video games, movies and so on...
5. I never got the chance to be in the same class, grade or even school as the friends I hang out with

5 Features About Your Face:
1. Hazel brown eyes
2. Firm nose
3. Not big, bug longer dark eyebrows
4. Full lips, I guess...
5. ..... I don't know what else to put here. xD

5 Physical Features you like about yourself:
1. My muscles
2. My facial muscles... Like, I can move my ears. xD
3. My hair when it is the way I like it
4. My eyes
5. Hahaha, I just remembered something funny about this...

5 Physical Features You Hate About Yourself:
1. Those things... I don't know the English name for them
2. Other than that...
3. This useless body, I need to train more. xD
4. And I don't...
5. Hate anything else I think.

5 Random Facts About You:
1. There are things that I really like to study. xD
2. Personally, I don't hate anything, but there are things that I don't like.
3. I only drove car on dirt and rough terrain. Still need to see how it is on the normal road. xD
4. I actually was one of the worst students from English in my class. Now I am one of the best.
5. I used to have almost pure blond hair. Now it is almost dark brown.

5 Things About Your Personality:
1. I always try to be happy and positive.
2. I never try to be first at something and always try to help someone else for that.
3. I can be very jealous, but I try not to show it.
4. I can sometimes be hyper, but I am usually calm.^^
5. I change my mood if someone is hurting my friends.

5 Colors You Like:
1. Green
2. Silver
3. Blue
4. Red
5. The color of the river...

5 Foods You Like:
1. Kevab! (Turkish meal)
2. Sarma (Bosnian meal)
3. Cevapi (Bosnain meal)
4. Zeljanica (Bosnian meal, special made pie with some type of vegetables)
5. Pizza!!! :D

5 Bands You Like:
1. Rhapsody of Fire
2. Regina
3. Sonata Artica
4. Black mages
5. Bump of Chicken

5 Scents You Like:
1. Hmm, I am bad at this...
2. Hmmm.....
3. Well..
4. Maybe spring flowers
5. And vanilla! :D

5 Movies You Like:
1. Bleach movies
2. Princess Mononoke
3. The Lord of the Rings
4. Final Fantasy VII Advent Children
5. Godfather

5 Celebrities You Like:
1. I don't really like celebrities...
2. But....
3. There are some who are really good and how act good
4. So maybe favorite actors or like that...
5. But other than that, not sure.

5 Things About Your Best Friend (With S of course):
1. They like stuff usually that I as well
2. They can be pretty lazy. xD
3. They are good friends and always there to help
4. Each one of them has a different hair style
5. They all go in different school

5 Things About Your Crush:
1. Very sweet and nice! :)
2. Cute!!
3. Just amazing, it is hard to find words to describe it.
4. Beautiful!
5. All those things above multiple by ten!^^

5 Hobbies:
1. Collecting many stuff!
2. Playing video games!
3. Watching anime
4. Collecting information and randomly learning.
5. Doing some kind of art!

5 Talents:
1. Umm...
2. Not sure...
3. I think that I still haven't found my, but...
4. I am quite good and talented at some school subjects
5. I think that I could drive Rally. *shot*

5 People You're Gonna Tag:
1. Let's see who hasn't done this yet...
2. granraecero69
3. cloud55strife
4. sleepinglionheart
5. Hana Ishida
