A new look, all thanks to one person

~Hello everyone~

As you may have seen from the title and from the beginning when you entered this world, I have changed my look.
The one that I had was pretty boring and disgusting even to me, so I decided to change it. And then I though and though what to do, but I couldn't actually think of anything good. And then in last moment, a very nice and sweet friend Hulaberry32 decided to help me. I was really happy about it and she really took to me to think what kind of theme would be the best for me.
And now that she has done it, I am very satisfied. I really like the new look and now I will definitely have more will to come and actually post on this world. Because of that she really deserves many more and I will be sure to think of something for return.

I still haven't decided the name of this world. I am thinking, but still not sure. But I will come up with something else, I think.
Anyway, I and Hulaberry are also thinking of starting a new RP. It is still in progress, so I will not yet fill with details. But for now we are working and thinking hard of it and definitely we shall do about it soon.^^

~Thanks for reading!
