Explicate... :D

It hurts to remeber the lies beneth your eyes.
False smiles and laughs but truthful cries.
Summer, fall, winter, spring.
All of the seasons involving my pain.

Triangles circulate in my mind creating indents of you.
Every detail, line, smell..
Sweet aroma filling my dreams of false signals and themes,
Pain sweeps me off my feet
lifting me high then pulling me low,

My heart beat slows to a rythmic tempo...
Somehow, i feel you touch me.
It's ever so light; barely noticeable.
My heart starts to pick up a pace as if to say"Its a war; a race"

Im suddenly on my feet, then to a wall.
Your hands are wrapped around my wrists pinning me to the wall.
Your beathing down my neck "Oh how i want you now.."
You begin to let my wrists go and bring your hands to my waist.

My hands are intanggled in your hair desprately wanting you closer.
You pull me by my hips closer.
Your lips are on my neck; it feels so good..
My body is moving on its own and its pleasing you.

In my mind im crying out your name.
My mind is slow at comprehending what is going on.
My body way ahead of me. Too far to reach..

Simplistic Wonders..
Satisfying touches...
Im gone to my lust not to return.
