Srry bout the randomness, *shrugs* u should kno me better. So i'm supposed to be doing schoolwork but i'm not cuz...well...cuz i'm a lazy bitch kay? not gonna sugarcoat it. So...i just felt like i should poste something but i dont kno wat...OH! I kno, i'll post a story i had 2 do for english, just wait a minute, let me get it...*rummage rummage* Aha! Here we be.

An unnamed short story

He groaned and clutched his head, it hurt. It hurt like he’d been dropped on it and it cracked open like an egg, spilling forth it’s golden insides, though in his case it would have been crimson. The second thing he noticed was it was dark, the kind of darkness that would swallow up all light and made him wonder if his eyes were open or closed. He stood up slowly and carefully out of the waist-high grass, wondering where he was. Even this meager task made him dizzy, and he promptly keeled over and retched bile.
Wiping his mouth he called out into the darkness, waiting for a reply, then he took out his pocket flashlight and tried to make his way through the thick saw grass. The emerald blades shredded his exposed skin, and made the going difficult, even with the light he could only see a few feet in front of himself.
He begun to wonder if he’d ever get out of the grassy prison, no matter what he did he always came across for of the plants, and the farther he went the taller it grew until he was speeding through the dark, flashlight waving blindly towards the sky. He ran and ran, his legs quivering, head pounding, his breath in raspy gulps; then he tripped, and flew through a clearing, with the flashlight being knocked from his hand and rolling to a stop at the base of the grass stalks.
His landing was cushioned by something squishy, but it still knocked the breath from him. He laid there, wondering if he should just stop and wait for morning, he was tired, he was warm, and he was barely able to keep his eyes open.
What’s that smell?
It’s not me.
Is that…blood?
He scrambled off the mystery substance and crawled for his flashlight. Snatching it up he turned around and pointed it towards his cushion.
Two eyes stared back at him, black from dilated pupils.
Fearful eyes.
Dead eyes.
He stifled a scream as he ran the trail of light down the rest of the reptile, apart from its head, the corpse was an indiscernible mess of organs, tissue, and bone shards. It had obviously been a feast for a large creature and many smaller ones. Gulping down what was left of the bile he had, he inspected the head, the skin was reptilian and had started to drop away, revealing flat molar-like teeth; the eyes had begun to bulge a bit, exposing that it wasn’t a fresh body; and it’s lizard like head was huge, definitely too large for him to lift, even if he wanted to.
The light flickered, then went out, leaving him lost in the inky darkness.
His stomach growled at him, he ignored it and turned over on the bed of ferns, it growled again, louder this time and he sat up, blinking at the bright light that streamed through the branches above. He had crawled through muck and who knows what else, without a light, bumping into stuff, until he finally collapsed from exhaustion and fell asleep.
Now that he could see where he was, he marveled at the emerald plants around him, the giant trees, standing like silent sentries to watch him, the small ferns that danced in the breeze, and even the moss, that sprouted small ivory flowers that closed when he touched them. While he looked though, he couldn’t keep the fear at bay, gnawing at him slowly like a form of cancer. He finally broke down and sat on the ground, and cried, he didn’t know what else to do.
Where am I?
Where’s my family?
My friends?
How’d I get here?
The questions swarmed him, like bugs after a fresh wound, he had zillions of questions and only one answer, I don’t know. He screamed, screamed over the sounds of insects, over the rustling of small creatures, and over his own thoughts, trying to ease the pressure off his mind. As if in answer, a roar echoed through the forest, silencing all. His heart skipped a beat as there was the scream of a dying animal, then his heart skipped two beats.
For a moment, there was no noise save for his heartbeat, pounding inside his chest as though trying to escape, to run, to try and save itself. Then the forest came to life again, insects buzzed, unseen animals chirped, and one animal called out to another in the ongoing orchestra that was the forest.
A small animal whizzed past his face and caught a beetle in its reptilian jaws, gulping it down whole. His stomach growled again, ordering food, reminding him he was starving. The animal cocked its head curiously and looked at him, then hopped a bit and flapped off on brightly plumed wings.
Missing that chance, he stood up and began to search for anything edible, but everything was so diverse and different here that anything he had known before about edible plants failed him.
There was the crunch of vegetation, and the slight sound of breathing from behind him. He immediately held his hands up and turned around, but there wasn’t much point in showing he was unarmed, it wasn’t human. It’s lizard-like head was cocked, much like the other animal he encountered, to inspect him. It was at least eleven feet long, with a thick, stiff tail that looked like if he was hit with the tail it would easily crack if not break his bones. It stood higher then him on two bird-like legs, while the other two arms were held next to the chest, the black claws slowly gripping and releasing the air. The pebbly, armor-like skin had uncountable scars and streaks of red down it, but held a grey tinge instead being bright. It’s head was slightly drooped, as though ill, or sad. He glanced at the ground, and gulped, it’s forth tow was sickle-shaped, and tapped impatiently against the ground.
Anybody familiar with dinosaurs would recognize this to be dangerous, this to be a raptor. Maybe he’s not hungry, he kidded himself, feeling sweat pour down his back. His fears were true though, as the Deinonychus began to circle him slowly, not taking its yellowed eyes off him.
Behind him, a series of short hissing barks came from the bushes, and more of the dinosaurs appeared. The first one paused, staring at the newcomers warily, and he glanced a look over his shoulder, there were four newcomers, all of them brighter then the first, with no grayness or scars, their eyes were bright and alert, unlike the tired eyes of the first, and the one closest to him had a red head, unlike the others. It made some more of the hissing barks, obviously directed at the first Deinonychus.
He felt this sharp stabbing pain as sixty knife-like teeth ripped through his skin and flesh, crunching down to the bone. Then the first began to drag him backwards, not about to give up his meal. He screamed from the pain, and the dinosaur paused, startled, allowing the group to attack it. There was a flourish of fighting, during which he attempted to escape, dragging himself by his one good arm. He glanced back once, strait back towards the pack leader, he brought his head close to his face, then cocked it, inspecting. He tried to scream when the dinosaur brought its jaws closed around his neck.
He opened one eye and immediately closed it, the area was too bright.
“He’s waking up sir.”
“Good, go get his family.”
He tried to open his eyes again, this time slowly. His mind was flooded by the sterile fluorescence of a hospital. The oxygen mask around his throat gave him a steady stream of the dry air, bothering his throat and eyes. He tried to rip it off but found that he was bandaged, both of his arms were in casts and slings, along with one leg. His little sister bounded into the room, followed closely by his mother and father.
“Jakey, Jakey! Did they give you ice cream?” She asked, skipping over to his bed.
“Oh, my baby!” His mother grabbed him and wouldn’t let go, “Are you alright?”
“Sorry son, how do you feel?”
“Wh-what happened?” he asked, coughing on the dry air.
“We crashed, that’s what happened, crashed strait into a ditch and flipped. I’m alright, and your sister is but your father needed to get some stitches.”
His dad lifted up his hat to show him the bandages, “Just hope my hair grows back.”
“I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean for you to get hurt, or for anyone to.”
“What happened to the dinosaurs?”
“They got hit by a meteor, remember Jakey?” his little sister gave him a look that obviously said ‘duh’.
“No, I was attacked, there was a dead one, and raptors and-”
“Everyone deals with stuff like this differently,” a man told them as he walked into the room, he glanced at a few papers on a clipboard and scratched his thinning strawberry-blond hair. “Some people get sick, some people can report with vivid detail what happened while they were under, and some people have vivid dreams, or nightmares in your case.”
He nodded as the doctor took the oxygen mask from around his neck, “You’ll be free to go in a few days, and maybe you should cut back on the Jurassic Park, huh?”

It were up to me he woulda just died, but if i do too much stuff liek that muh teacher will hold another meeting about my sanity and danger to human kind...Lets read another, i dont liek this one as much but it'll do for class. It reminds me of the Disturbia video by Rihanna(gawd i luv that video). I had to rewrite it, enjoy.

The world around her burst into flames, raining fire ands ash. It clogged her throat, stung her eyes, made her unable to see much more then shadows.
“Mom!” She cried, someone pushed past her, shoving her to the ground.
Panicked people ran past her, trampling anything in their way, no one noticed the little ten-year-old, who should? They all ran for shelter, away from the fiery rain. She stood up again, trembling, calling out for her family.
Someone grabbed her, comforting her and pulling her away from the crowd at the same time, “Sshhh, It’s going to be all right,” her mothers voice sounded like honey after the screaming crowd, she grabbed her hand and led her back to their house, back into the cellar.
“Momma? What’s happening?” She asked from her moms embrace, “I just went to find grasshoppers, then people started running, and it was all fire-”
“We don’t know what’s happening dear, just relax, we’ll be fine,” her voice was sure, but her face wasn’t. She glanced over at Dad, he was watching the wooden ceiling, then a piece of sawdust hit his eye and he muttered under his breath, trying to get it out.
She trembled, then, after what felt like forever, her mothers comforting arms lulled her into a light sleep.
“Here Ted,” her mother whispered to her brother, “Take her, my arm hurts.”


“Well?” The harsh voice commanded again, kicking her in the stomach.
She groaned, the bruise had been tender before but now it throbbed with each breath. Her ankles and wrists were chaffed, her throat was dry, and she was bleeding from being dragged
“What a harsh way to be awakened,” she muttered, staring at the only things she could, the cold floor and unforgiving wall.
“Where’s the food?” He screamed, becoming hysterical, “You don’t want to cross us!”
She laughed harshly, “Do you honestly think you can hurt me? I know more then you will ever, and if you kill me, then well, I’m okay with that and you’ll never find it.”
He kicked her again, steel-toed boots dully colliding with flesh, before storming out the door. She waited for it to slam closed, echoing throughout the dark room. One window cast a pale stream of light across the floor, there was enough light left, she’d be able to make it home as long as they didn’t notice her being gone.
She was tired and worn, and hungry. They didn’t feed her, why would they? They wanted her food, but it was okay, it worked to her advantage, she was patient and her wrists had gotten thin enough to slip out of her binds. This she did, working deftly and keeping her ears open for visitors. The window opened easily enough, and she clambered to the dry grass, running off in the direction of her shelter. The large house loomed ominously over the rest in all its glory. Broken windows, peeling paint, stuffed animals littering the hallways, rats, but it was shelter from the harsh nights.
“Hey! Beat it!” She yelled at a couple of people lurking around, the house was big enough to house quite a few but she didn’t trust any of them, besides, there’s a community that takes care of them.
The people scampered off silently, mixing with the growing shadows. They knew she had a gun, and ammo, and they didn’t trust her either.
The house was dark, an hole full of eternal night, and she noticed a few things missing, but nothing important. She petted a stuffed wolf absentmindedly as she added up the things that were missing, then she grabbed a can of soup from under a floorboard and drank it greedily. It’s good they’d said, you’ll like it they’d said, it’s food she’d said.
Tired, she crawled into bed, welcoming the warm sheets, and ignoring the barks and whines of the feral dogs trying to get inside.


Sweat poured from her skin, it was hot, the fire outside hadn’t stopped, a little hole in the ceiling showed a red sky with patches of black ash. Sparks flew inside the cellar through the hole, sending eerie light through the darkness. She could just see her mom and crawled to her.
“Momma? What’s wrong?”
She cradled her arm, “Nothing dear, go back to sleep.”
“But Momma-”
There was an earsplitting crack.
Wood and ash rained down on them.
Her mom lunged forward, shielding her from the burning rain.
The world was silent, and she wasn’t quite sure what had just happened, everything moved so fast. She opened her eyes, darkness surrounded her and a smothering weight was covering her. Crawling out she was greeted by warm, dry air, and looking up the sky was angry and dark, lightening whipped through the air, making her hair stand on end.
“Elle!” Ted yelled, running up to her, “C’mon, we’ve got to go!”
Her older brothers face was panicked as he grabbed her arm, she shrieked, her limbs hurt, they were burnt from the ashes, and throbbed painfully. He let go of her arm, not trying to hurt her, she trusted him, after all he was almost an adult and knew what to do.
“What about Mom and Dad?”
She looked around, searching for them in the mess. Her mothers head and shoulders peeked out from the mess behind her, blond hair matted with blood.
“C’mon Elle!”
She wailed as they ran, as the skies opened up to extinguish the towers of fire. Steam rose around them and the rain cooled her burns. The house was big, huge rather, and Ted dragged her into it. She didn’t like it, she cried for her parents, and the big stuffed wolf scared her.


The morning sun warmed her skin as she stared at her burnt hands, the splotchy design ran up her arms to her shoulders. It had been there as long as she could remember, and that wasn’t long, she knew she was about eighteen, but couldn’t remember anything from before the age of thirteen. People told her it wasn’t always like this, that people didn’t always compete for food, fear the feral dogs, and there was even places of learning called schools. She couldn’t believe them, this was all she knew.
She grabbed another can of soup, she’d have to find some more soon, and some random vegetables from her overgrown garden in a few window boxes. It ended up being some hybrid cucumber thing, good, she didn’t have to cook it.
A few knocks interrupted her meal. She groaned and walked downstairs to the door. Opening it, she found a hooded figure on the step.
She waited for him to say something. He didn’t say anything but pointed past her, inside the house. She felt he was harmless enough so she nodded and let him in, offering him some soup. He grabbed the soup and drank it down, but didn’t ask for any more.
“Do you live in the communities?” She asked.
He shook his head.
“Are you a traveler?”
He nodded, and took an atlas off a bookcase. He pointed to Quebec, and drew a house with his finger.
“Ah, are you one of the ones who attacked me for food?”
He shook his head violently and paused a moment, then pulled his hood down. She gasped, one side of his face was horribly scarred, burnt, while the other side was still perfect. He had once been perfect, but now he too was an outsider in a world of outcasts. He tapped his throat with a scar and tried to speak, but a whispery noise came out instead.
She nodded, “So your mute?”
He smiled slightly, almost apologetically, and nodded.
“Do you have a place to stay?”
He shook his head.


“You can stay with us,” Ted told the stranger. She was pretty, with strait white teeth, silky hair, and blue eyes.
“Thanks!” She replied cheerfully, “I‘m Sarah!”
Twelve-year-old Elle watched silently as Ted cheerfully set about giving her a room, trailing them through the meandering hallways. That was a few days ago, now she waited for Ted to get back, she told him not to go out at night, she had a bad feeling about it, but he didn’t listen.
Sarah was in the kitchen, heating up some soup. Her voice drifted down the hallway as she sang, she thought it was beautiful and melodic but it wasn’t, and the screeching noise hurt Elle’s ears.
“You already had your ration for today!” She told Sarah.
“Aw shut up,” she replied, pushing past her, “Ted’s getting more food anyways.”
“What if he cant-”
The barking started.
The dogs were back.
And her brother was outside.
She ran to the window, Ted was in sight and striding for the door, looking nervously behind him. Yellow eyes came into sight, following closely behind him. Too closely for comfort. Ted put down the bag of cans to reach for the door.
The dogs lunged.
She screamed.


They sat at opposite ends of the table, he had pulled his hood back up, and she had started feeling untrusting again, but didn’t tell him to leave, she felt sorry for him. He would sleep at the opposite end of the house, and not know where she kept the food. He hadn’t expressed interest in leaving yet.
She had found out that his name was Matt, and he knew her name was Elle, not that it mattered much, it just made them both feel better.
A heavy silence hung in the air, it wasn’t quite late enough for the dogs to prowl yet and it was too late for any birds to be out.
They finished eating and went to bed in silence, unsure what exactly to do. She lay in bed, waiting for sleep to come over her like a heavy blanket. Perhaps, she’d be able to be happy again when she awoke.


Sarah grabbed the bag of cans and dragged it inside.
“Cool, food.”
Elle turned from her weeping to face her, “Y-You don’t even care? Dogs just ate my older brother! He gave you shelter and food and-”
“Shut up, you’ve got food, your alive, just be happy.”
Elle stomped past her and up the stairs, running to her brothers room. It was messy as always, and comforting, like he’d just walk up the stairs and tell her to get out. She knew he wouldn’t though, and burst into tears again. Through her weeping she saw the rifle, it’s metal barrel gleamed in the light.


The dogs started to howl, waking her from the light sleep, but she turned over and put a pillow over her head, falling back into the abyss that gave her peace.


“Hey, maybe we can talk?” Sarah asked, backing up.
“You have ‘till the count of three to get out,” She growled, motioning with the gun to the door.
“You know I feel bad about your brother-”
“Haven’t I been your friend?”
“Hey, hey! I’m on the doorstep.”
“Aw c’mon, you wouldn’t really shoot me, you little brat!”
She pulled the trigger.

PS-For those of u who have no clue wat a dirndl is its traditional german clothing for women composed of...it looks like this.

Only normally they go down to ones ankles.
Plz ignore the whore-uggo wearing it.
I was looking up traditional clothing from around the world for a pic.
