OK, one thing my loyal readers should know about me. I love penguins. Yes, it's true. They're my favorite animals. Last night I had a dream where I had one for a pet, so this evening, just for fun, I did some research. And I found out that PENGUINS ARE ILLEGAL!!! That's right. It's illegal to own a penguin. My dreams have been shattered. (Ok, that's a slight exaggeration, but I'm disappointed!)

For your own penguin viewing pleasure, I enclose the following photo:

There! You see my point? THEY"RE FRICKEN ADORABLE!!!!
Sorry, I'm in a strange mood right now.

And no, as I'm sure you're all wondering, Happy Feet is not my favorite movie. I can't dance, therefore I am jealous of all those who can. Even penguins. Case closed. Sigh.

OK, now I must go, because It is almost midnight, and I have better things to do than rant about penguins (sleeping, for instance), so goodbye, and goodnight, to humans and penguins, you cute little fluffy things. Farewell!

-Miji-Chan :D Who's only acting high because she's exhausted! *snore*
