
YES!!! NEW AAA PV!!! <333 Why is it whenever I listen to a WHOLE lot of AAA music, then the new PV is released? Anyways, it's sooo awesome:

It's not the full thing, unfortunately...and I doubt we'll ever see the full thing...avex! >.> Avex annoys me because they delete the full versions of AAA videos and puts up the short versions...>.> I WANNA SEE THE FULL VERSION!! TT^TT

Anyways, this video is AWESOME!! I think it's the video's quality, but I can hardly hear it...or hear the song part, I just here sounds....>.>

Well, the song comes out in 2010 on January 27...LE GASP!! I just realized, that's a day after my birthday! ^ ^ YAAAY!! Now, for my birthday I want the pre-order of that CD (which probably won't come out until a month after my birthday...dumb America...>.>)...But that is fun!!

I <333 AAA! ^ ^
