Yay! BoA! I really admire her, she's an incredible dancer and her singing is so...every language. It sounds Japanese, Korean, Spanish, and English. She's Korean, but she sings in Japanese and Korean, and occasionally American. She's known as the cultural ambassador because well, she speaks a ton of languages, and as I said, she sounds like every language...though I did list a few, those are just the kinds that stand out the most.

To start things off, I'll show you the first song I've ever heard from her, it's called Be the One:

I like this PV for some strange reason. It's just so cool...simple...white...White's one of my favorite colors, so, yeah. And she's also wearing black and black is also one of my favorite colors. Plus all that in your face stuff is really cool! ^ ^

This next song is called Dakishimeru:

I don't really like the dancing or the PV, but this is probably my favorite song by her. It's just so catchy, don't you think.

Next song is called Sweet Impact:

Wow, well, I must say this now. Because of this video and the next video I'm going to show you, I think of her now as Korea/j-pop's Micheal Jackson. Because she popular across the world and she kinda dances like Micheal Jackson (and I swear that there's a Micheal Jackson MV where he's in some kinda barish thing wearing the same kinda clothes, or something similar) , like in this video...sad he died, I really liked how he danced...and his songs...:( Anyways! Back to BoA! I really like how she dresses in this video and the next! When I grow up I'll probably wear something like that, or gothic lolita clothes, not sure which. But c'mon tuxes are AWESOME!! And she wears the coolest hat EVER!! (Me loves hats and tuxedos, or tuxedo-ish stuff)

Next song is called 永遠 (sorry, I have no clue what it's called, if it's in romaji or english):

I really like her clothes and dancing in this video, but the melody sounds like an American song...that or I've heard this before. This is probably my second favorite song. It's just so catchy and the dancing!! TT.TT

I'll post something else about BoA, but it won't fit here because it's not really one of her songs, I don't think.
