Welcome to the place where I post anything that has to do with East Asian music!

New Music Videos, New Song Previews, Info About Certain Bands/Singers, etc. anything that I decide to do that'll make it more fun to listen to music!

I will try my best to keep you guys up to date with bands/singers' new music and music videos!

So Please Enjoy~!

About the Name:

I know, it's a very strange title for a music world. But most bands and singers that I've seen always cheer at their lives to make the crowd more excited and that's the kind of feeling I get from the music I like. So cheer! And be happy! ^ ^


Ahh, dancing is so excellent~! But the part where they're skipping frames bothers me because it's messing with their amazing dancing. Akira-san looks sooo much older now! ;3; The members are all growing up...I hope they all stay in the music industry when they grow up~!

Despite what I said about the previous Dream5 video, they're still very kawaii and silly! XD Fun song!

The song wasn't anything special, it was still good, but the video...sheesh...that video was bland...O.o;

I almost just posted this without watching it...but it's AWESOME! Definitely watch it! Very catchy and intense! >:D Nice mixing.

TVXQ, Versailles, NOVELS, etc.

I keep comparing every video they do to their old ones...XD So this one wasn't really that amazing or mind-blowing, except for the arm wave parts...*3* Oh, but I really liked the parts where they were dancing the in the rice (at least, I think that was rice?). I think if they kept with that it would've been a cooler video, and more unique. They used a lot of old sets, but I thought it was interesting how long they showed each of them for. It made it seem so much cooler than it really was, and maybe that's the charm of it, that the video itself was cohesive.

I like ze parts with all the shapes! *3* It's an interesting video. If you like NOVELS, you will like this video and song because I feel like this is almost their best song and it really has the recurring feel of a NOVELS song. However, definitely not their best video, it's still rather clever.

I personally cannot sit through a Versailles song, so I haven't listened to the entire thing...But Kamijo looks as beautiful as always...I don't particularly like this video as much because it seems like they went the cheap way out...It's been done a million times where they're in a stage-like room (by other visual kei bands), and it jut doesn't feel like a Versailles video....>3>

Nothing too special about this....but the video is pretteh cute and le gasp! White peeps! *3* It's catchy.

Kyary Pamyu Pamyu, ChAOS, FLEA MARKET, GILLE

Absolutely adorable~! But it kind creeps me out...I predict myself having nightmares over this...but it's still very adorable and super catchy (as always). It's a tad bit less weird, maybe because it's Halloween (sorta) themed and weirdness is to be expected.

Song is incredibly catchy and the video is really interesting to watch! XD

ANOTHER incredibly catchy song. I love the feel of the song~! I would like the video, also, but it seems kinda awkward...O.o; Or it's just me.

I agree with the majority of the youtube comments, this would sound sooo much better without the Dragonstea Din Tei bits...It's pretty good, anyway.


This video is so funny! XD For some reason I was imagining a sweet, light-heart video about crayons, but...yeah...not the case at all...XD The way he says crayon sounds like he means 'Get your crazy on'....which may be the point because I can definitely see G-Dragon saying 'Cray' instead of 'Crazy'. The video has a few points that aren't particularly creative, but a lot that are. I liked the sound of the song at the end, but it didn't give me a feeling of being crazy....instead it reminded me national pride...going to some person's temple during some special ceremony....yeppp...O.o; But I did like it.

The song as a whole, I didn't like so much just because it was ridiculously repetitive (lyrics, melody, beat, all repetitive). But the video is fun! XD


I thought the beginning was pretty cool. Not sure about those outfits...they look like the typical dance recital outfits...XD Sparkly...

Also, song isn't too different from anything also those lyrics, I feel like I've heard them a billion times...although I probably haven't...

But I do like the different places they're in. Looks cool, but I'm not particularly in love with this video because it seems like they were reaching for something, but then never quite made it.