
Sleep, sleep, and more sleep

That is all my thoughts consist of at the moment! :D Also, I have quite a few works in progress I want to finish! I think there are, let me count....3 or 4 of them! Oh dear, haha! Either way, tomorrow I have NO class, but need to head to school to work on an arrangement. I'm arranging the "Double Trouble" song about Team Rocket for SATB and piano for my arranging class!!! I'm super excited about it and need to transcribe about 2 to 4 more measures before I can finish putting it into Sibelius. Unfortunately I don't own any notation software so I am forced to head into school to work on it.

-SakuraFai picture (Tsubasa)
-Priestess' dreams will be colored
-Art trade with kisskiss-bangbang

and go! :D


Such a long day....

Ah, school. Some classes take forever, while others fly by and you wonder what on earth happened to the start of the lesson! Even so, today was one of those days that just kept dragging on and on ><! I love arranging, but it was so long this morning listening to everyone's arrangements and I was so tired!!! Even so, I like to arrange things, I had never tried it before this class, but it's so cool to work with all the different musical lines! Our next arrangement is going to be SATB with piano accompaniment of basically any rock or pop song. I should start thinking about it now as I'm heading home for the holidays Thursday night and lack sufficient computer programs .
Now to play the random facts game! A list of manga that I think are awesome and you should read if you haven't already! (I'll add onto it later for now just three :P)
DN Angel (Love it! I can't wait for the next volume to come out! )
Hana Kimi (Still collecting, but I've borrowed a lot from the library and have seen the drama, SO fun! :D)
W Juliet! (Lots of school trips and training camps, but it's a great "gender bender" i believe is the term used. Really, it's such a fun story )

Yay for trombones!

I don't want to

I have science, on a Saturday...........and I don't want to go........
Even, so my recital went awesomely well! So, I only have these 3 hours to endure and then I can head on back home for the rest of the weekend!

Who wants to art trade? ANYONE?!


Although everyone else in my school started after school ended yesterday....I AM OFFICIALLY ON SPRING BREAK! Honestly, these Saturday classes make me a very unhappy and sleepy person. Who wants a three hour science class? ><
So, what do I plan to do on my spring break? I plan to practice for my upcoming recital, get a hair cut, sleep, chill with my family, and visit EMI! :D
Emi says she mentioned "art trades" well I am SO DOWN WITH THAT! Anyone up for it?
You can find art work mixed in with Emi's, normally I write "maki" in the caption.


Me, me, and more me

I figured I would write a bit more about myself in this entrance for anyone who cares to know :P.
I stated before that I'm a music student. By that I meant a music education major in college . My major instrument is the trombone although in high school I took Clarinet lessons and now I take voice lessons (also we learn the basics of almost all the instruments at my college). This is my third year, meaning I have a junior recital and it's really starting to freak me out since I only have about 24 some days before I need to perform .
Personality wise I'm a complete spazz. Not spazz in a bad way, just that I tend to freak out and worry about every little thing my brain can wrap itself around.
I like to draw a lot. I'm not big on coloring since I don't feel that I'm very good at it, thus why Emi will color my pictures so many times! I don't have any special tablet or photoshop or anything and without a mouse I don't do anything digital. I prefer to draw traditional art obviously! Every once in a while I like to try things differently whether it's a different style or weird coloring ideas. Even so, as Emi stated we don't know too many people on this site so send a message if you want to talk or anything :D!!! (I'd love to help anyone with music questions! haha)
