
yay life

So in the next few days I'll be signing the lease for my apartment this school year! Ah, I've been so stressed over it and basically pushing it out of my head every chance I could XD.

Also, I'm avoiding sleeping again because I'm a loser night owl who some how manages to keep herself awake throughout the night and wonder why she's tired in the morning(cough:often times afternoon)! Ahahaha!

See you later! :D


So today I got a job! :D I'm really excited!!! But also nervous that I'm going to mess up @.@. Anyway, I start tomorrow and I'm super super happy!
Other than that my week has been pretty uneventful. Chilling with my brothers and arting and things like that :D Emi is still on vacation grrrrrr.
And question of the day!

If you were deserted on an island and only had ONE manga series to have with you, what would you pick????

I don't even know what I would pick ^^() Hmmmmmm, probably Hana Kimi or W Juliet, still can't pick one hahaha!

Enjoy your night/morning! XD


What did I do today

I'm really bored while Emi gets to hang out on the beach all day! She's on vacation and I am...well, not :D So, today I slept a lot and spent hours on this meme. If you want to check it out head over to my deviantart seeing as it won't really fit on here. I drew it in paint because I don't have a tablet :( and by this point in the evening (nearly 2 am, oops O_O) I am sick of staring at anything paint related! XD
Feel free to add me on DA if you want, I'll add you back! Sometimes I post different arts and it's separate from Emi's over there, so if you get confused about who is who that's a good way to know XD
I hope you all had a more productive day than I did!!!!!


In progress fun?

I'm bored and Emi is on her way to vacation some 20 hours away from here driving distance! >< So what is a bored, college girl to do? Why, mess around on paint of course! Now, I don't normally color things on the computer, but hey why not? So I started watercoloring this one a while ago, but the inked version is still saved on my laptop(like I ever clean it :P) so here I am coloring this with my wonderful touch pad and Paint!
Anyway, after this I'm off to work on a commissioned hat for a friend :D (surprise, I make fleece hats, I just started so I'm working on getting better) But, I told myself I could read fanfics for a little bit and snack after I colored in Nakago's hair.....Long way to go on this picture....

What do you think so far? :P haha, not much.


Emi and I went to the museum today and saw a baby mammoth! AMAZING! She was so cute XD. It was great, we spent a good 5 hours there and by the end of it our feet were in so much pain!
After that it was off to get some bubble tea and food for energy!
The whole day felt like a reward for packing up my whole room in my apartment which, thankfully ( ), I found out I will not have to pay rent for August on! That means i can find a new apartment and not have to pay for 2 different places at once.
Don't get me wrong, my apartment right now is VERY nice, it even has a washer and dryer I don't have to pay for! Unfortunately, it is not in the best neighborhood and a good half hour walking or public transportation distance away from school. I have orchestra on Wednesdays this coming year and that gets out at 10 it's not good to be out alone! Remember, if you can get a ride from a friend then DO SO! Better safe than sorry <3
Oh well, I'm exhausted but can't sleep so I felt the need to write something :D I'm finally happy to have all my manga in one place again *happy sigh*

I hope you all have a stupendous day!
