
Sorry I haven't been around lately.
I've been coming home from school and getting on the computer just to watch Gundam 00. >.>
Normally... I wouldn't be into the whole robot-ish thing and such but damn it's addicting. O:
I've also started watching Shugo Chara... it's so... repetitive. D;
Every episode she does the whole cleansing the X-egg thing and Aaah! At least Ikuto is a Bishie. <3 Tieria is better...

Anywayyy... other stuff not related to Anime... my friend is now being hated by a huge group of girls at school because her former friend got mad at her for being 'too clingy' because apparently, hugging someone is the same as being very clingy. -.-
She's been getting hate IMs and getting cursed off and it's all over a stupid issue that doesn't even deserve a decent argument. There isn't even a reason to be mad... I mean, the least the girl could do is tell my friend to not hug her anymore. But, all girls hug each other in school... well, majority.
I don't think she has a right to hate my friend over it... :/

Hope that made sense...

Anyway, I'll get back to commenting later... I'm going to go watch more Anime now. :]
