Blueberry Muffins are yummy.


Hmm... let's see... well... my friend broke my Persona 3 game disk and after having a spaz attack and attempting to gnaw his arms off... I ordered a new one. D; Well, it's actually Persona 3 FES. It has some added extras in the gameplay, a CD and an Art Book.

30 is still a lot of money.
I was going to buy the D.Gray-Man box of Season 1 Part 1 when it comes out on the 31st but now I'm not so sure about it. ^^;

Persona is my all time favorite game series... I like Persona 4 most of all but still... I like having all the games.

Uh... well, I really don't have much to say. I just realized that the Gurren Lagann DVDs that I bought are the ones with just the Japanese Audio. I love the Japanese cast but, I have to say, the Dub was very good... and I really prefer the Dub over the Sub... for that Anime at least.

I'm not too mad... not like I was over my friend breaking my game. Haha. I'll live with the Japanese Audio for now and eventually I'll buy myself the English one... maybe. Ugh... Anime, Manga and video games are way too expensive. ;/

Well, that's actually it really... my weekends are pretty boring.

Oh, I wanted to ask [anyone who reads this] for some Anime recommendations. [Other than Peacemaker Kurogane, Samurai 7, Gurren Lagann, Naruto, Toradora, Ghost Hunt and Baccano...] Feel free to tell me some good ones in a comment. ^o^
