50% Off?

Anime?! O:
I was shocked. I usually hate my Best Buy but I checked that list from that news thing on the front page and my Best Buy was on the list.
I freaked out and I forced my friend to come along and help me get some that he liked and thought was good.
So... Yea. I got Gurren Lagann, Blood+, Samurai 7, Peacemaker Kurogane, Bacanno [LOVE IT :D] and Ghost Hunt Parts 1 and 2.

Now I have no money! YAY! T^T But, I guess it was worth it.
I was actually going to buy some video games... but I guess I can't anymore. Haha.

Anyway... not much going on recently. I had a fever a few days ago and then I just went back to school yesterday and while I left my house to get on the bus for school... well, I slipped on ice and hit my head. Didn't go to school yesterday and my Mom kept me home today.
Apparently I'm going to school tomorrow... Woo, one day out of the week. >.>;

Anyway... how's everyone here doing? :]
I'm trying to keep up with all your updates but I'm incredibly slow. So, sorry... forgive me. ^^;
