Snow. 8D

We got... eh... a lot? I don't know how much it was though.
It was a decent amount. It got my friends and I out of school though.
But, I'm sick with a fever and I couldn't go snowboarding with them even if I wanted to. Which is sad. It's not that often we get enough snow to get us out of school and we have a two hour delayed opening tomorrow.

But anyway... I spent my day watching the Hana Yori Dango J-Drama.
I love it so much. <3 I should read the Manga one day.
Since I was cooped up inside watching dramas all I did was eat animal crackers and drink Green Tea Ginger Ale... And I think I drank too much of it but that stuff is amazing. Go get some. XD

I gotta go burn some calories now. Haha.

Anyone else have a snow day... or get snow at least? ^^;
Off to watch the second season of Hana Yori Dango.
Bye for now. :]
