"Your hair won't come off!"

^ That is what one of my very s l o w friends said today in gym class as she attempted to pull my rainbow 'extensions' out. XD
They're not extensions... it's my real hair. When I told her that, she had a panic attack and apologized for tugging at my hair for 10 minutes. Haha.

Gym class is so much fun. Our teacher was absent today so we just played dodge ball because we had a substitute. It was me, my friend Ty, our friend Kyle and my friend who pulled the crap out of my hair and then some other people against the other half of the class. It was so much fun. I stood in the back because I hardly start nailing people till I'm like, the last one standing. Ty kept running over to me, hitting me with a ball and saying I was out. XD

Ah, so much fun... just don't get me started on our lunch period together. Haha.

Anyway, thanks to all the people who welcomed me to TheO. I think I'll like it here. ^^
