Okay, so you may be wondering, "WHAT IS MASTER OF THE SPIRIT JEWELS!!?" Well, Shush up and read on I'm about to tell you!

Master of the Spirit Jewel's is a story that I wrote when I was in middle school. As you can see, it's not very well written, but I'm planning on changing that. I'm going to be "remastering" it so to speak. I figured, what the hell, might as well do something with it. It's just setting around.

Now, I'll only be posting it in sections, and what I plan on doing is posting the original, and then remastering it over the weekends. Each Wednesday I will try to post a new section. So, on Friday I will try to remaster the bit I have on here right now. It would help if I had the notebooks with me, but as we all know, I'm great at forgetting things. So, I'm going to try this for a few weeks and see what people thing. I thought about remastering it first, and then posting the entire thing. I think I might just let you get a glimpse at what it used to be. Anyways, Enjoy. I will begin remastering on Friday.

Part I: Revised

Okay, so this is still not so great. Don't really have much to work with with this story. Because it's not my original characters. I prefer to write about my original characters. I think I do better that way. Anyways, this is a revision. It's dece...

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Part I

Kagome comes running out of the temple shrine completely overjoyed, Inuyasha follows her calmly
She runs into her house.
"Mom! I'm home!" Kagome yells.
"Kagome come int o the kitchen," Kagome's mom replied from another room.
Inuyasha is standing behind Kagome. She turns to him and holds out her backpack to him. "Can you take this to my room ? " she asks.
Inuyasha takes the backpack from her hands and just says, "What ever." Then Kagome takes off running through the house towards the kitchen.
In the kitchen Kagome sees four plates set at the table, Sota is setting at one and her grandpa at the other.
"Wow mom! How did you know I was coming? Thanks alot! Im starved!" Kagome says setting down to the other plate.
" I'm sorry dear, but that plate is for some one else." her mother replys, smiling.
"huh? but who..?" Kagome asks confused.
Suddenly a scream echoes from down the hall. Kagome stands quickly and runs to her bedroom. She sees that Inuyasha is lying with a huge bump on his head in the floor,but her eyes are drawn away by a woman standing over him in her underwear and bra. The woman is a few years older than Kagome wit h long raven hair that reached to her ankles and eyes as dark as ebony. Her face shows a wild blush that seems brighten her complexion.
"You jerk! Who do you think you are walking in on a girl like that while shes changing clothes?!" the woman screams to Inuyasha.
"Owww!! Who are you?!" Inuyasha asks angrily rubbing the wound on his head.
"Shion?!" Kagome crys.
The woman slowly raises her eyes from Inuyasha to Kagome. A bright smile lightens her face , "Kagome!" She screams enthusiastically.
Kagome run past the injured Inuyasha and towards the woman. They hug ignoring poor Inuyasha.
"Shion is it really you?" Kagome asks.

Who is this girl and what does she have to do with Kagome?What is she to her, a relative, classmate or an enemy in desguise? Find out next time on The Master of the spirit jewels.
