Guess who, chicky-boo? :D

Currently working on: YOUR FACE. LOLOL. (no)

Hey guys! Guess who??? 8D

Person reading this: Zelda?


Person reading this: oh. -_- *leaves*

Nooo!!!11!1 Come back!!! ;A;
Yeah. So anyways, heya! Did'ya miss me? x3 I was never really gone though. >:D Aha. Did you like meeting Marth, Roy, Ike, and Pit? :D I think I shall seize this oppritunity to explain more about them.

I actually wrote up his profile! :D I'll just copy and paste it into here now. x3

Name: Roy
Nicknames: Roy-kun, Red-head, Shortie
Age: 17/18
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Height: 5'5
Special Talents: Athletic ability, swordplay, video games
Hobbies: Playing video games, playing sports, playing with Marth, playing!
Likes: His buddies, his gamecube, Marth
Dislikes: Being sad, studying, doing chores
Love Interest: Zelda

Roy is a student in class 4-A, of Forryma (I BLAME ARCTICWULF FOR THE NAME. D: Yes, I really used it, Arcticwulf.) high school. He is one of the most popular people in school, probably because of his cute face, and upbeat personality. He almost always has a smile on his face, and is very open to other people.
Roy is a very talented athlete and swordsman, but is slightly lacking in book smarts because he hates to study. He is only able to maintian his grades with Marth's help.
Roy often acts without thinking, so people often think he is simple-minded. But he really does care about others, and will do his best to help his friends. In fact, he holds his friends closest to him more than anything else. [note: Spoilers are spoilers for THIS. It's pretty much the whole story, if you read the spoilers.]
Roy met his best friend, Marth, in 8th grade, just before going to high school. Before he met Marth, Roy had intended to go to a normal, public high school. But because Marth was going to try to get into a rich highschool as a scholarship student, Roy decided that he should get his grades up to go to the same school as Marth.

My Comments
Yay! It's Roy! Roy is my favorite character. Ever. I like all the TAOMAR characters, but Roy's my favorite. He always has been...
Yeah. So Roy is sometimes very hyperactive and annoying to Marth, but they're still bestest buddies. (Haha...)
So! When I used to play as Roy in Super Smash bros. Melee, I often act out the characters while I play. (Weird...) And so, this was the character that was created. Yup.

I don't have a character profile for Marth, but he pretty much hit the nail on the head with his post. x3 But I'll talk more about him just to make this a really long post. >:D

Name: Marth
Nicknames: Ma-chan, Ma-kun, Marthie-Marth, Marth-Sama (to Ike), Woman (to Pit), Mars-Bars (To arcticwuf. >:D)
Age: 17/18
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Height: 5'6
Special Talents: Musical Ability (Violin), Running, Swordplay, Ballet (whut), housework, cooking
Hobbies: Reading, writing, studying, playing violin, cooking
Likes: Books, strawberries (sweet things), Roy
Dislikes: Loud noises (usually Pit), Spicy things, being mistaken for a girl
Love Interest: Rinchu (Don't kill me! D:)

Marth is the top student of class 4-A, and has maintained his grades all through highschool. He is one of the less popular students in the high school, due to the fact that he doesn't really like talking. The only person he really talks to is Roy. Nevertheless, he tries his best to be polite to people he doesn't know.
Marth is an excelling musician, being in the top orchestra group of the school, as well as very swift and graceful, perhaps from the 8 years of ballet he took as a kid. (xD) He also has gotten good at housework, because he's lived without his parents since 8th grade.
Marth can sometimes seem quiet and a little short-tempered, but he really does care for everyone he knows. (Including Pit.)
Oh, yeah, and he has asthma. :D
Marth met Roy in 8th grade, and was the first friend he made in middle school. Marth hadn't talked to people before Roy, because he was determined to get into Forryma (AUGH), and didn't want to talk to anyone because he knew he probably wouldn't see them again. So instead of risking losing a friend, he kept to himself. After Marth and Roy had befriended, he realised that he didn't want to leave Roy behind, and decided that he would just go to the public school. But instead, Roy went to the private school w/ him.

My Comments
Oh look, it's Marth. :O The only reason I really actually started paying attention to Marth was because Roy wasn't in Brawl. xDD

*To continue later, I gotta go, guys. :D*
