
Mood: Excited

Hey guys! I think I briefly mentioned that I'm going to Otakon this year. I meant to mention it earlier, but I kept pushing it off until the actual weekend of the convention... oops.

Anyway, I'll be at the convention on Saturday and Sunday. 8D Oh, and my older sister will be there too! This year we decided to try and actually make our costumes like REAL COSPLAYERS. ...although, we have almost no sewing experience, so... it was really rough. xD; We decided to more or less go as a Klonoa 2 cosplay group. I'm going as Leorina and Takara is going as Tat. We're actually still working on them...! ;u; HAHA... Takara's going to make my scarf, and I'm going to add a collar to her dress. Since our costumes aren't done, i can't really post pictures... but I'll try to post some pictures after the convention! :D
I'm assuming there's not going to be many Klonoa-themed cosplays, so if you're going to Otakon and you see a Tat, Leorina, and Klonoa, it's probably me and my sisters. Feel free to say hi if you see me! :D Though I don't really know if any of you are even going to Otakon this year... >u>

Aaaanyway, sorry for not really being active this past week. ""orz I've been busy working on my costume. (and being lazy...) I do check everything in my backroom, though. When the convention's over, I'll try to get back into the groove of things and comments/etc. :D

Also, it was my otakuversary on Tuesday! :D I actually thought it was yesterday... but I was wrong. -u-b This marks my 5th year on theOtaku.com. WOO HOO. I was actually wanting to be really cool by posting a thank you pic as my 300th picture on my otakuversary. But that didn't happen, so.... >3>;; It is almost my 300th picture upload, though. Anticipate it to be a thank you to everyone. 8D

