
Mood: A little hungry
Currently working on: Coloring the hand full of line arts that I have finished.

Hey, Tim's birthday was this Monday. ;o I always think it's on March 14th, pi day...
Anyways, because I was thinking about birthdays, I decided to go check who else of my OCs had a birthday coming up. AND APPARENTLY, the only characters that I've given birthdays are Rick, Dare, Tim, and Nicholay. Nicholay seems a bit out of place. xD His birthday's March 29th, by the way. ;0 Another March birthday... I think I accidentally gave Tim and Nicholay March birthdays because red-heads remind me of Irish people which reminds me of St. Patrick's day, which reminds me of March.


...Actually, I think Zack has a decided birthday too, I just haven't updated his profile...
Idk what's up with all this birthday talk. BUT SPEAKING OF BIRTHDAYS, Mine is next month! And I'm going to be old and 17. "orz BUH... I'M GOING TO BE AS OLD AS THAN DARE NEXT YEAR...! ;A; I remember when I made him in 8th grade, I was like "18! That's so OLD! Heheheh."
I still can't drive. xD; I-I'M TO lazy BUSY TO LEARN HOW TO...

So... yeah. Enough about birthdays. Today, I plan to color stuff. I found a new appreciation in inking recently (????!?!?!), so I have a couple of line arts that I can color. :D I want to finish my pic for the Street Style challenge first, because that's ending in a couple weeks... March is going by really fast. :o
I've been trying to improve my line arts lately. Have you noticed? xD; probably not Out of all the parts of a picture, I used to feel like the line art was pretty unimportant because even if you make it detailed, it gets drowned out by the coloring. But now I'm trying to think otherwise... :m A good line art gets me motivated to color because it looks nice. (??) YEAH...

I think I'll go color now. ;o Have a nice St. Patrick's Day!
