I don't knowww. :D;

Mood: So incredibly lazy.

Idk what to post, so I'm going to post this meme I filled out months ago that I didn't put here. It's this meme that I filled out a while ago, only filled with Gabe's answers instead of Stefan's. For some reason, I put Stef's answers on theO and Gabe's answers on dA. xD Anyways, here's this thing.

This was kind of weird for me to write as b/c I'm not good at speaking/typing in Gabe's voice...

1) Choose an OC (Gabe)
2) Have them answer the following questions about his/her crush. (Stefan)

1. How did you first meet him/her?
Well y'see, I got a job as Tomato's hairstylist like 2 years ago or something. Stef was the one who filled me in on the job and stuff. Yeah... I remember trying to pull my moves on him, but he just rolled his eyes. Ahaha.... He hasn't changed much.

(You can actually read a comic of their first meeting in this post. It's after the first 3 comic pages.)

2. How long have you known him/her?
2 years? I've known him since I got the job.

3. How long have you liked him/her?
The whole 2 years. ;P Hahaha.

4. What do you like best about him/her?
His sexy body. (???????) I also love the way he reacts to things. It's hilarious. :P He's so fun to mess with.

5. Is there anything you dislike about him/her?
I think he needs to loosen up a bit. He takes work way to seriously. :/

6. Are you two going out?
Nope. We went on a date once. He won't admit it, but he had a good time.

7. Are you truly in love with him/her?
*Shrugs and looks away* Maybe I am.

8. What is your favorite physical feature of his/hers?
Uhh.... Well since I have to chose, I'd say his eyes. Have you seen them? They're damn sexy. Love the color. He's got a nice ass, too.
(LASJLFKSAJDLF *jumps out a window* *A window on the first floor, that is*)

9. What kind of person is he/she?
Stef's really up tight and grumps around a lot. He's also so stubborn. He's not too bad once he warms up to you... he may seem cold, but he just needs someone to talk to.
...that someone's gonna be me, by the way.

10. What do you like best about his/her personality?
Oh man, he's hilarious when he's angry. :D Everything becomes so dramatic and he overreacts to everything. I'll be all, "Hey Stephanie~" and he'll be all, "DON'T CALL ME THAT, YOU DISGUSTING CREEP." and it's like, what the heck kind of reply is that? xD Aaaaahahaha... What a funny dude.

11. Can he/she make you laugh?
Ahaha, yeah. Especially when he's not trying to make me laugh. :P He's just so serious he's funny. He'd probably get mad at me for saying that. He hates when I... well, when anyone doesn't take him seriously. But he's cute when he's mad.

12. Does he/she make you smile?
Hell yeah. But I mean, I smile all the time. Maybe more with Stefan...? I dunno. He's fun. :P

13. Does he/she ever get on your nerves?
Aw jeez... I hate it when he tries to lecture me on how to live my life. :/ I mean jeez, it's my life and I'll do whatever the hell I want.

14. Does he/she have any impressive skills?
Haha, uh... I dunno? Oh wait, yeah, he's actually pretty good at tennis. I remember this one time I was playing against him, and I made a bet with him that if I won he would have to go on a date with me.
I won, by the way. ;P
But still, not a bad game.

15. Do you get jealous when you see him/her with another person?
Psh, nah... jealous? Me?? Nahhhhhh.... *scratches head*
(lying. xD)

16. What is your favorite memory with him/her?
*Shrugs* The date was fun.
(idk what to put. Bluhuh.)

17. If you could change one thing about him/her, what would you change?
Well... I'd change him so he'd enjoy life a little more, y'know? He's waaaaay too serious. He's not too bad the way he is, though. :P

18. Does he/she have a boyfriend/girlfriend?
Nope, but he's told me about past girlfriends and boyfriends. He told me 'bout this boyfriend he had in college who cheated on him; he hasn't dated since. He's actually a sensitive guy... he doesn't date 'cause he scared or something. :/ I don't really get it.

19. Do you ever dream about him/her?
Yup. It was friggin sexy.
(I want to throw Gabe out a window.
Just kidding Gabe. Just stop thinking weird things about Stefan.
I guess it's my fault, but.........)

20. How much does he/she mean to you?
*Shrugs* Dunno. I like him a lot.
(He hates thinking about complicated things.)

21. How often do you hang out with him/her?
Um... every day or so. Usually I come with him when he goes drinking, and I see him at work all the time.

22. Do you ever embarrass yourself in front of him/her?
Haha, probably. I'm pretty stupid...
(So he's aware of it...)

23. Why are you in love with him/her?
Well because... well... he's really actually kind of very handsome, and he's actually kind of sort of nice to me sometimes, and I just... I don't know, it's like, it's like, it's like... You know, like...
Oh, just... shut the hell up. >:m I don't need a reason, I love him because he's Stefan.
(Strangely flustered...)

24. How close are you to him/her?
He probably hates me, haha... I'm actually kind of a jerk... u_u;

25. If you haven't done so already, do you plan on asking him/her out?
Hell yes. I already have like 20 times. He's rejected me all the times I've asked, haha. THINGS LOOK PROMISING!

