29 Years Old

Hey, I'm Raphael and I love OCs! Yeah. Also I study linguistics. Idk what to put here.

Other Social Media:


Mood: Accomplished
Currently working on: STUFF. -_-

YESS. I added my 100th pic. (Finally.) Check out my portfolio, if you want to see it. x3
by the way, a few days ago, I asked which pairing was more popular, Marth and Roy, or Marth and Ike? It didn't have to be a love relationship between them, but just pairing in general. Out of the 5 people who commented, 4 of them said Marth and Roy were better. (The other person said Marth and Marth. xDD) ...Since Marth and Roy were more popular (sorta), I drew a (really quick) picture (in pencil.)
here's the link. x3

Sorry that it's really light... >.>;
I've been mad at Ike ever since I got SSBB, and found out he replaced Roy. -_-I used to REALLY REALLY not like Ike. -_____- I also used to think he was REALLY weird. I was going through the sound test for the first time, and I listened to Ike's sound-y thing. The first half was all this "HYAAARGH!!" and "GWAARHHH!!" kinda stuff, but right after one weird grunt, he said very calmly, "I fight for my friends." That was my first time ever hearing him say that, because I had never won as Ike... so it was a very... weird moment. :3
But, I mostly (MOSTLY) forgive Ike. :D Partially because of FE: Radiant Dawn, and I got to see he's not the kind if weird I thought he was. He's just a different kind of weird... >.> (He said "Cripes!" once. :D)
That was a reletively long rant. That's all. :D

ps: MARTH AND ROY, TOGETHAH FOREVAH! x3 (My friend said that once)


Mood: Good

I have a really quick question. Which paring do you perfer, Roy and Marth, or Marth and Ike? x3 I just want to get and idea of which pairing is more popular. No reason really, just curious....

Yow! :O

Mood: Meh

Hey guys! I got the Marth game today! 8DD (Yeah, I know it's called Fire Emblem: The Sacred Sword or something like that, but I'm to lazy to bother calling it by that name. x3) Now. I have some things to say about the game...
I don't know if the makers of the game were trying to make Marth more manly or what, but... he doesn't look good. ;3; Where's his beautiful feminin-like bodyyy???!! ;A; It's just not the saaaaame... He looks... fat. x3 It's a good thing that you can only see people from the shoulders up in the actual game... Also, Marth talks really weird. He said "Yow!" twice in the game, and I've only gotten past the prolouge. o.o Um.... what else, what else... Oh! I really don't like how you have to SACRIFICE some of your characters to clear a chapter. ;A; I also don't like how the actual fighting is in 3-D. Really weird looking 3-D too. o.o;; One last thing...
WHY IS THERE ANOTHER CHARACTER THAT LOOKS LIKE ROLF??!!!? O_O Yeesh, I mean, they already had Wolt first in the Roy game (Which I don't remember the name of at the time), then they made Rolf in Radiant Dawn and (I think) Path of Radiance (which I've never played :O), and now they make another blond, childish, archer? -____- I bet they have someone like that in every FE game. (Wait... was there one in FE: The Sacred Stone...? I don't think Franz counts...)
I know I sound like I'm saying too much negative stuff...
aside from that stuff....
It's pretty good. :D I love the way the characters you move around look. >w< So cute! (Especially Marf's. :d) I know the game's not really about cuteness, but... yeah. x3 Oh, and the artwork is great, as in all FE games... But I have to say my favorite thing that happened when I played was when I heard the FE theme song used in Super Smash Bros. Melee. 8D I was like, "YUSSSS!! >:]" (Well, in my head, I was...) so... Yeah! The gameplay is like all other FE games, and I would think that you creat support relationships like you do in the GBA games. (I don't know yet, I haven't gotten that far. x3)
I feel like a game critic. x3 Oh well. :D Thank you for reading!


Mood: Um... normal. C:

Bah. I really wanna submit stuff. x3 But not yeeet~ I don't have new colored pencillllssss~~~ xAx
So instead, I'll just put a pic I drew for my friend in this post...
External Image
I drew this in my SKETCHBOOK. HAHAHA. -w- It was supposed to be my OCs Ichio and Mikato, but I drew them wrong. Dx There was a whole lotta doodles on it, so I had to crop them all off... yeah... I'm gonna re-ink and color this on gimp. I have a question, though. I was planning on coloring this "anime style", and I was wondering if anyone had any tips for me... (Because I've never colored in that style before...)
YES. That's all.

Lemme see your skeboo. :D

Currently working on: Waaay too much to say. x3

...The title is similar to a line said in the manga Comic Party. (It's an awesome manga! Read it. x3) Aaaaanyways, in the manga, a girl was signing peoples's sketchbooks, and she said to one guy "Lemme see your skeboo," (Skeboo being the abbreviation of sketchbook.) ... *cough*
That I recently drew in my sketchbook for THE FIRST TIIIIIME. :O I normally use computer paper for pictures, cos it doesn't SMEAR and SMUDGE the pencil as much as sketchpaper does. -w- Yeah... So I drew a few pictures, and I'll upload them soon. (My 100th pic is really bothering me, cos I can't upload anything until I finish it. -_- It's too bad that I LOST MY PEACH COLORED PENCIL. I'll buy new ones soon... ;3;)
Well, I wanted to see if my sketchbook would fit in my scanner. And it does! :D The scan isn't really the best quality, but whatever. x3 SO. I will be subitting a lot of stuff when I get my 100th pic done. (If any of you were wondering why I wasn't submitting.)
I really want to draw Ichio and Mikato... .3.
(Of the evil step mother. :D) << I got that line from a really stupid (but funny) childrens book... ._.