29 Years Old

Hey, I'm Raphael and I love OCs! Yeah. Also I study linguistics. Idk what to put here.

Other Social Media:

Innes, you lovebird, you.



Stories tell of the sparks that flew between L'Arachel and Innes when they first met. As the love between them flourished, so too did the bond that united their two nations

xP From Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones. I just felt like telling you that. :]
I've been reading a lot about the characters from The Sacred Stones, and there's a lot of silly stories I didn't know about. xD For example, that Lute tried to "cure" Artur's fear of spiders by putting a whole bunch of them in his room. x3 (Lute got killed early on in my file of The Sacred Stones, so I never had this support conversation. :])
Lute's such a monk stalker, btw. >:D
Ohhh, how I long to play thee, Sacred Stones... (I don't have the game, I just used to borrow it from one of Takara's friends. x3)
Anywas. In other news.
That's not good.
WE NEED MOREEEE. Dx woenroawemsdlf.
Also. I drew a picture of Charlotte and Isaac, for those of you who read my posts. Check out my portfolio, if you don't mind. (I'm too lazy to up in the links.

How do you spell Isaac?

Mood: Good, but tired, and has a headache.
Currently working on: Wahjebleh.
Recently added: The Best Soy Latte That You Ever Had... and Me

I have a new OC. 8D Indeed. I created him for the comic I want to make w/ my other OCs, Charlotte in Rinchu. (I KNOW I haven't gotten a pic of Charlotte up yet. -3-) Yeah. :] His name is Isaac. Um... At least, I think that's how you spell Isaac. Does anyone know how to spell Isaac? xD
I... kinda cheated on coming up with his name. x3 I read somewhere that Ike can be a nickname for Isaac, so... yeah. I used it. I wanted him to be how I thought Ike acted. Or at least how he thought he acted before I got the FE game. x3 Which is why I based his name off of Ike. Oh, and his hair. It's brown instead of indigo, and he doesn't wear a headband-y thing. He's also not as buff. :] So yeah...
I wanted to draw his outfit Fire Emblem-y, but...
Fire Emblem costumes are so hard to come up with!!! x_X I based his shirt and shoes off of Leonardo's shirt, and his pants off of Sothe's pants. 8D...
I feel like such a cheater.
But hey! I did change some stuff! ^^; So I didn't COMPLETELY copy the costume... >.>;;
I'll upload a pic of him later...
I'll post more information about him later too....


Currently working on: See previous post, please.
Recently added: Marth and Young Link, I don't like making titles..., Moonlit Dream's Drawing Tutorial: pg. 11, Secret Ingredient

I. Have decided. That my OCs Rinchu, the blonde girl w/ her hair up on the side of her head, and Charlotte, who I have not submitted a picture of yet, deserve to be in a comic other than TAOMAR. Yes indeedy, I have a new comic idea blooming in my head.
First, I want to say that Rinchu and Charlotte are the only OCs of mine that are really main characters in TAOMAR. The main characters in TAOMAR are Marth and Roy (duh), Ike, Pit, Palutena, Rinchu, Charlotte, Link, and Zelda. Nana and Popo are semi-important characters to. xD All my other OCs (ie: Sajio, Ako, ect..) were just last minute people whom I did not put a lot of thought into. xD YAY.
Since Rinchu and Charlotte don't have much of a background story due to the fact that they kinda just randomly appear in TAOMAR (in chapter 3, when I submit it), I think they should have a comic. :D I still don't know what to call it, but I'm starting to get an idea in my head.

Due to the amount of Fire Emblem games I've been playing lately, the story takes place around the same time the games do. (the 1500s?) The story is still really broken, and I still need to create a whole bunch of characters, but I think I'll have Charlotte as the main character... Um... Oh! Also, things like pegasi and tomes and magical staffs exist too. xD
I'll... talk more about the story when I come up w/ more ideas...

I have to go perform at a Violin Concert now! Bye!!

Ohh, yes.

Mood: happiii
Currently working on: Well... for fan art, I'm working on Flying (sketch finished) [fan art], Zelda and Link (coloring in progress), 2nd prize for King-Sama (line art finished), 10 of Diamonds (line art finished), A random line art, and 1st priz for Fire Fox Sakurie (sketch finished). I'll.. I'll keep comics a secret for now. xD
Recently added: Happy Late B-day, Arcticwulf, Graceful, Study Buddy!! 8D

Um... I was going to say something, but I forgot...
Thank you all for 90+ subscribers! xD Yay! :]
that's all, I guess... >.>


Mood: A little annoyed
Currently working on: A lot of stuff (but the pile is slowly dying down...)
Recently added: Marf

GUYS. When I was on gaia, a lot of people miss-remembered my username, and called me moonlight dream. It's moonlit dream, kay? xD Think of a dream that is being lit by the moon. not a dream that is being light by the moon, because that doesn't make sense. thank you.
NOW that that's out of the way, what I really want to say is this:

Because I want to understand more about the characters in Radiant Dawn that were in Path of Radiance. (Public Statement)

...Because Ike looked cool on the cover... (The truth)

But yeah, I really do want to know more about the characters, but I also just want to play it. xD Besides, Ike actually has SLEEVES in PoR. Not that I mind that he doesn't in Radiant Dawn, mehehe... x3
So. That is what I hope to get sometime. Maybe for my birthday. Or maybe I want FE: The Sacred Stone for my birthday, I don't know. xD I want something FE related.