29 Years Old

Hey, I'm Raphael and I love OCs! Yeah. Also I study linguistics. Idk what to put here.

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Secret Santa Wishlist

This is my wishlist for Sayura-chan's Secret Santa Event-Thing. :D

Hello secret santa! :D Thanks for drawing this for me, whatever it will be... Anyways, here's my list.

1) A drawing of any of my characters would be awesome, but in particular a drawing of Stefan would be sweet. ;u;

2) A drawing of Rick would be nice, too, but I don't have an updated reference picture of him. ;A; Here's a really quick reference: [click]
He usually wears semi-skinny jeans with a t-shirt and converse, if that helps. ;3;

3) This is going to sound kinda strange, but maybe a drawing of Sydney Carton from A Tale of Two Cities wearing fancy Victorian-style men's clothing? xD Haha... Since he's from a book, I can't really provide a reference for him... I imagine him with messy brown hair and a ponytail. |D Hohoho. Kind of like in this picture: [click] But yeah.

4) And of course (this is almost obligatory), a drawing of Roy and/or Marth would be super cool. ;D
Marth: [click] Roy: [click] (so tiny. ;0;)

And that's that. :o Thanks so much, secret Santa! :D

Happy Halloween!

Mood: SO LAZY AND TIRED but I have a lot of work to do.

Yaaaay! Happy Halloween. I dressed up for school, but I'm not trick-or-treating this year. I get the feeling that adults don't like giving candy to teenagers...
Anyways, I dressed up as a 50s girl. Like a girl from the 50s. xD;;
Like this, sort of:
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I did a self-portrait contour line drawing thing in art class today. It was weird because I was wearing a wig, so I didn't really look like myself in my drawing. :d Yup.

Also! Sayura-chan is hosting a Secret Santa event!! COME JOIN!!!!!! 8D

So that's it. :D Tell me about your fun Halloween experiences. :M


Mood: HISTORICAL! (??)

I want to make some American history related comic strips. 8D YEAH! I was inspired by my history teacher, who explains history in such a hilarious fashion. Most of the characters are the founding fathers.
I hate drawing powdered wigs, though.
And slightly fat-ish people.
He looks rather George Washington-ish when I draw him. When I was little, I used to get John Adams and George Washington mixed up because they look similar. (They actually don't look similar. I was just kind of crazy.....) I also used to think Washington was on the nickel when I was little, but it's Jefferson. Oh, and I had no idea that was FDR on the dime. I just looked that up now. :D;;;
To people who aren't American and don't understand what I'm talking about: sorry. xD;

Okay. That was a strange rant. :|

Happy weekend!
Have an Alexander Hamilton.
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Yeah, idk.

Double Taggage

Somehow, I managed to get tagged twice. xD By FallenAngel 01 and TheDarkAngel. I'll do FallenAngel 01's questions first.

1. You must post these rules.
2. Each person must post 11 things about themselves in their journal.
3. Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post, and create eleven new questions for the people you tag to answer.
4. You have to choose 11 people to tag and post their icons on your journal.
5. Go to their page and tell them you have tagged him/her.
6. No tag backs.
7. No stuff in the tagging section about "you are tagged if you are reading this." You legitimately (AKA, really, truly) tag someone.

1. What's your favorite colour and why?
Periwinkle! Because I chose it when I was like 5, and stuck with it. xD

2. Where are you from?
The US. :U Ah-muh-reek-uh. Americur. Usa. The United States of America. We kind of have a long full name, now that I notice.

3. Favourite animal? Why?
Idk... I like cats. I had 2 cats for a while. :,D But then my little sis became allergic, and we gave them to my friend.

4. Favourite Book series? Comic series? etc
Comic series.... Well, I liked Cactus's Secret. xD But I also like Rave Master and other stuff...
I don't read normal books, though. >3>;;; I read the PJatO series all up to the last book.

5. Favourite anime(s)
Princess Tutu, Fruits Basket, Pokemon (which I haven't watched in forever), OHSHC, and... well, I guess that's it. I don't watch many animes. xD;

6. Got favorite character(s)? Who? Where they from? Why do you like them?
Roy from SSBM. ;3; He's our boy!

7. Favorite drink?
Fruit punch or ginger ale. :d

8. Favorite food?
Burgers, bacon, kidney beans, fish such as cod and haddock.

9. Favourite sweet?
Cake, brownies, canolies, twix candy bars...... yum. :d

10. Favouite band(s)? Singers?
Some of my favorites are The Cars, The Eagles, U2, and Matchbox 20 for bands.
Peter Gabriel is probably my favorite singer.

11. Favourite band(s) or singers who sing in a diffeent language?
I don't really have those. >_> I don't listen to Japanese/Korean/Spanish/Turkish music. xD I used to like Utada Hikaru, but I don't listen to her anymore.

And now for Yosei's questions, which already look rather strange...

1. What other name would you wish you had, if you couldn't have the name your parents gave you?
Um... I dunno. xD I can't think of any girl names that I particularly like.
Fire.Freak, I love your name. ;u;

2. Do you have any pets? If so, what kind? If not, what kind would you want?
I used to have two cats. :d It'd be awesome if we could've kept them.

3. You run into your idol in a local store, what do you do? How do you react?
"ABRAHAM LINCOLN! I thought you were dead! ;w;"
As far as music/actor/etc idols go, I don't have one. xD;
"ROB THOMAS! Red pants and gypsy earrings!"
/inside joke

4. What's your least favorite food?
But I had some day-quil (cold medicine) earlier and it was absolutely disgusting. It made me feel worse. o_x

5. What's your preferred beverage?
Ginger ale. :d

6. How many languages do you speak? Which one(s)?
But I'm learning japanese.

7. Be honest, how many manga books do you own? >3
I think around 100, but I never counted. :d There's a ton, seriously... I have a box in my closet full of them, and a book cabinet that's practically overflowing with them.

8. What's "Quid quo pro" mean?
NO IDEA! To google!!
It's latin for "what for what".

9. Where in the nursery rhyme does it say humpty dumpty is an egg?
IT DOESN'T! I guess people made up that part to make the "couldn't put Humpty together again" part a little more pleasant in picture books. Or! Or. The guy who wrote the original nursery rhyme also illustrated it and drew Humpty as an egg.

10. Why does mineral water that has "trickled through mountains for centuries" go out of date next year?
xDDDD I don't think it actually goes out of date, but it'll just taste like the plastic container it's in.

11. Why do they sterilize needles for lethal injections?
Perhaps for the safety purpose of the person injecting the lethal injection.
/that made no sense
Maybe it makes the person recieving the lethal injectiion feel a little better about dying. He won't die from a blood transferred disease, at least!
/why is this a question
There really is no point, but cleanliness could just be a human habit.

SO THERE. now I need to make questions...

1. What did you have for breakfast this morning?
2. What kind of music do you listen to?
3. What's your favorite subject in school?
4. Did you know cold medicine taste disgusting? I had to take some earlier this morning because I'm sick, and it was so bad made me feel worse.
5. Do you use gift cards when you're given them? Or are you the kind of person who forgets to use them, and they expire?
6. What time is it where you are?
7. Did you have any interesting/cool dreams lately?
8. If you could be a plant, what kind of plant would you be?
9. Star Trek: Original Series, Next Generation, 2009 movie, or none of the above?
10. In your opinion, what's the coolest name ever?
11. Is it just me, or do numbers look like they have personalities...?

I tag:
Wakusei Aoshi
Imouto Chan
Allie Elric

Sorry, my victims...
Let's see who actually does this. xD


Mood: Arughjl. Sick.

One of the things I do when I'm bored is look at old drawings of mine. I happened to stumble across this one:
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It's my old characters, Ichio (black hair, back) and Mikato (brown hair, front)!! 8D
Goodness gracious. I can't stand these two characters anymore. xD They were extremely boring oh my goodness. No personality. Especially Mikato. And Ichio was just mad all the time. Basically, they had no life and were just like "MMMM BEH-BEH I LOVE YOU♥♥" and "NO WAY BOOYYY I LOVE YOU MOOORE♥♥♥" all the time. And that was like, their whole story.
Oh, except one "important plot concept" was that no one knew that Ichio was gay. But I mean, look at him. Most people wouldn't assume he's straight. xD
Aaaahaha... the characters I created in 8th grade. Thank goodness I stuck with Marth and Roy for most of that year.
Actually, I made Dare, Michka, and Rick that year............ Along with others. Whoa. :o Who knew it's been so long? I guess I just recently celebrated my 3rd otakuversary...

IDK, MAYBE I'LL REVAMP MIKATO AND ICHIO ONE DAY? I did that for Jamal, and I'm fairly satisfied with his story and character now. :U Jamal was named by my sister Takara (afterglow), by the way. It was a joke name... he was originally going to be named something like KAKIRONO. I totally just made that up right now. But you know, something "Japanese-y". I like the name Jamal now. xD

OKAY BACK TO HOMEWORK. I love ranting about my characters...
Sorry to bore you. xD

How was your day? Mine was bluhuh. Achoo. Sore throat. Sick.