29 Years Old

Hey, I'm Raphael and I love OCs! Yeah. Also I study linguistics. Idk what to put here.

Other Social Media:


Mood: Pretty decent. :U My mood's been pretty stagnant.
Currently working on: Idk. -u-b Totally random things.
Recently added: Totally Awesome Emo Bloke, OFAV pg. 8

Hey guys! It's been a while since I've posted here, so now's a good time I guess. :D So uh. I guess I'm going to talk about stuff. :m

I got my AP scores in! :D I got a 5 on both my AP Lang and AP US History exams!! 8D YAAAAAAAAAAY.
But I still got only a B+ as my AP Lang final grade. BAH. I was really close to getting all A's. Oh well, maybe next year... >3>

On a completely different note, my grandma got me a bass guitar some weeks ago. 8D Haha. I had a trial lesson today, which was kind of interesting. :o The teacher was this really nice old guy, but I feel like we didn't really do much. xD He told me about the notes a little bit, but since I already played violin he decided we didn't need to talk about that all that much. Then he started teaching me how to play a song by The Cars 'cause I told him I like The Cars, and then we ran out of time. SO RANDOM. But whatever. xD; He said the lesson would be less random next time.

Um... and yeah, that's about it. :m OH! I'll be at the beach next week (I'm leaving tomorrow night, I think), so I may not be very active. Also, if you're readin this Den-chan, I'll have to upload your birthday picture late. ;~; Sorry about that.

Okay, now I'm done. :U I think I'll post some sketches and stuff in my other world later...

Clay Figures n' Stuff. :D

Mood: Content
Currently working on: The next 3 or 4 OFAV strips. ;o

HEY GUYS! I bought some clay a couple weeks ago... okay, my mom bought me some clay, but anyways. I acquired some clay to make clay figures of random things (aka: my characters), and I made one of Gabe. 8D
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Haha. So yeah. I'VE JUST BEEN IN A GABE MOOD LATELY... obviously... yeah. Actually, this is the second clay person I made. I made a Stefan one, but since it was my first one it's pretty bad. xD AND THE SKIN... I used this clay that looked like a pale skin color, but when I baked it it turned TAN. Now I have a very tan Stefan figure.
It was really weird looking, so I'm not going to post it. -u-b YEH.
My friend also made me a Dare figurine out of clay for Christmas. ;0; (Which was several months ago, I know...) So now he has some companions. 8D

I also made a Dewgong (my favorite Pokemon) figurine last night. :D My sisters and Takara's boyfriend were making Pokemon out of clay, so I thought I'd make one too.
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The camera refused to focus on anything but the background, for some reason. ._. Sorry it's blurry.
He also has a mouth, but it's kind of low and not in the right spot. >u>
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So yup. Fun times with the clay and stuff! :D

Okay, that's pretty much it.
Oh, by the way I'm going to my grandma's house today, and won't be back 'till Sunday sometime, I think. My grandma has internet connection, but it's really slow so I may not be on as much. xD

NOW THAT'S REALLY ALL. How's summer going for you guys? ;o

Bebeboo-bop boo-BOB!

Mood: Kinda bored and hungry. :M
Currently working on: Nothing in particular. I wonder if I should work on comics...?
Recently added: Schoolin', Un Autre Jour (sort of recently-ish...)

I feel like I haven't headed a world entry with "recently added" in a while, like I always used to. ._. Even though I have been submitting alright this year.

By the way, school's out! :D Now I have a lot of time, and I don't know what to do with it! I really should work on comics, but comics are so boring to work on. Dx WHY CAN'T MY BRAIN JUST BE TRANSFERRED INTO COMIC FORMAT ON PAPER...

I... I kind of wish I had something to talk about, but I don't. D: Not exciting ever goes on over here, which is why I haven't been posting much in my world lately. xD I'm going to go eat now...

By the way, the title comes from this song, from an episode of Spongebob. xD;

Happy almost Friday! :D

Mood: Good! :D
Currently working on: Completely random things. :T

J-JUST ONE MORE WEEK... ;A; Next week is finals week. 8D; HOORAY? It's not that bad, though. Most of the days are half days next week, and tests are sometimes better than regular class because they don't make me want to fall asleep. xD;;;; Haha.

Oh yeah, for my final exam in Art class, we have to do a 3 hour mini drawing. We started to day and we're finishing on Monday. I'm drawing a pic of Gabe... Which is kind of weird, 'cause I'm getting graded on it. xD YEAH...

Tomorrow is Friday! Yay. I'm dressing up as a flapper tomorrow for a group project.
That's right.
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Flapper day for me, tomorrow.
That's actually not what the outfit I'm wearing tomorrow looks like. xD But the skirt is the right size. The flapper costumes that they sell and show on Google don't really look like what they actually wore in the 1920s, by the way. :U The skirts were never above the knee.

Anyways... yeah. I've been drawing a lot, but they've been sketches for classmates. I've been raising money for my church by selling drawing requests. :D The assignment is due tomorrow. I've made like $40... orz I've only sold about 8, at an average of $5 per drawing. There wasn't a set price, so... yeah. But some people haven't payed yet, so hopefully I'll be able to turn in a little bit more to my church. :D

AND YEAH.... Schools almost done. :D EXCITEMENT. I'll try to draw lots. ;u; I've learned a lot more than I expected this school year about drawing stuff, thanks to my art class.

Also, thanks for 20,000 views on this world! :O I am surprised by that large number...
(Although, it counts my views too. xD BUT STILL...)


It'd be awesome if you went to say hi to my rl friend Kucket! :D
She just started posting more on theO. YAAAAAY!