29 Years Old

Hey, I'm Raphael and I love OCs! Yeah. Also I study linguistics. Idk what to put here.

Other Social Media:

Some Weird Tan Figure

Mood: Gewd.
Currently working on: I-I DON'T REALLY KNOW ANYMORE...

Hey all! :V Some time ago, Wakusei Aoshi wanted to see this Stefan figurine I made around the same time I made the Gabe figurine. I didn't show it to you guys because it was bad, and his skin came out really tan when I baked it. xD
Once again, sorry for the bad quality pictures.

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This... this just doesn't even look like Stefan to me anymore... it just looks like a really tan guy in a suit with some strange looking sunglasses. xD And no neck. >3>
It's also kind of tiny compared to the Gabe one...
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Blughh. Clay. Not my friend. xD;

ALSO, MY FRIEND MADE ME AN AWESOME DARE FIGURINE FOR CHRISTMAS LAST YEAR! (Which I mentioned before...) But I want to ask her whether or not I'm allowed to post it here, so I can't show you it... yet. ;o Hopefully she'll let me post it. xD

My clay dudes are just kind of hanging out on my nightstand... yeah.

Anyways, have a meme I stole from Kailith. (Every time I read her username, I katakana-ize it in my head and read it as "Ka-i-ri-su"... xD Which is how it would be pronounced in Japanese letters. Idk why I do that, I just do. :m)

- Name: Akioh Anoiyama! It's not my real name, but it's what I go by online.
- Eye Color: My eyes are brown in real life. Apparently, the online character of myself's eyes are green... I always thought they were blue! xD I might be wearing contacts in that drawing, because I was dressed as Sothe... but I don't have any pictures where I colored my eyes in. .___.
- Hair Style/Color: In real life my hair's short (mid-neck) and BLACK APPARENTLY... I always think of it as dark brown. xD It's also really wavy-crazy-weirdness, so I flat iron it. :I My online character has blue hair and a ponytail. xD
- Height: 5'8, I think. :O
- Clothing style: Deliberately boring. ;o Usually just a jacket, t-shirt, jeans, and shoes that look remarkably like Dare's. xD I tend to dress nicer on the weekends because I have more time. But I don't wear make-up.
- Best physical feature: Idk. My hands. Sure.

- Your fears: Scary movies, heights, the dark, random things that I conjure in the middle of the night that freak me out for no reason
- Your guilty pleasure: Blah blah. SHOUNEN-AI. Mostly with my own characters because I can't find any good shounen-ai mangas since most of them get all explicit at some point. :I
/near future

- Your first thoughts waking up: Sleeeep.
Good Day: I'm going to look straight ahead today! SPECIAL DAY. (I don't like looking straight ahead because then I feel obliged to wave at people I know. But I don't like waving because by the time I wave, they've usually already walked past me, and then I feel uncomfortable. BUH. Unnecessarily long.)
Bad Day: WHY IS SCHOOL SO LOUD. EVERYONE. STOP TALKING AAAAAGH. *stares at peoples' feet* (Bah. I know it's not their fault, and it's really a terrible thing to think. xD;;;)
Saturday: I'm going to waste my whole day doing nothing. -u-
- What you think about most: My characters. No doubt about it. Usually Dare, Tim, Rick, Stefan, or Gabe. Hahaha....
- What you think about before bed: Character dialogue. I'M OBSESSED WITH DIALOGUE! I LOVE THINKING ABOUT IT! WHY...
- You think your best quality is: The ability to be extremely boring while still having people think I'm funny. (????????????)

- Single or group dates: Hm... I don't date, but I'd probably prefer to go on a single date if I did date, considering I'm not very good in groups.
- To be loved or respected: Respected. If people think you're awesome, what's the point if they don't respect you and listen to you? (I'm thinking along the lines of how students perceive teachers.) Though I think love and respect can go hand-in-hand, which is usually the best case scenario.
- Beauty or brains: Brains, but being pretty doesn't mean you're not smart.
- Dogs or cats: Cats. OKAY, CATS ARE SO FLUFFY... Dog hair is rougher than cat hair. Sometimes, I don't even know how to pet a dog because some can be energetic. I could pet a cat all day. xD I like both, though. Regardless, I probably won't get a pet when I'm older.

- Lie: I really really try not to, but sometimes I might on accident (as in I say an opinion that I don't believe just to say something, then realize later that it's not really what I agree with.)
- Believe in yourself: Hm... Yeah. Well, depends on the situation.
- Believe in love: Yep.
- Want someone?: In a romantic sense? Not really. It's kind of weird to say you want someone, in my opinion... maybe it's just me, but it sounds on the same level as "I want a new pair of shoes"/etc. xD; I think it's weird to say you want a human. You could want to do something with (be with, hang out with, go out with) said person. That makes sense to me. But wanting someone sounds... weird, even it it's not intended. I'm not trying to be smart here and "point out something inquisitive/whatever", it's just how it sounds to me. :I
/talking about nothing.
Anyways, I'm not really romantically inclined to anyone at the moment.

- Been on stage: Yeah. Orchestra! I was also in a musical in 8th grade, and a play in 2nd grade. 8D
- Done drugs: No. OKAY, I'M PRETTY SURE HEALTH CLASS HAS GIVEN ME DRUG-O-PHOBIA. I don't even like taking medicine. I HAVE NIGHTMARES ABOUT DRUGS. Nightmares about people smoking cigarettes. Why is that a nightmare?!
- Changed who you were to fit in: Haha, I did for an episode in 8th grade. I tried to get into the music/boy talk/etc that my friend were into, but realized that I really didn't care at all about that stuff. In 9th grade I just started doing my own thing. (Which idk, it's not really anything.) But I did have that moment. Some aspects of Tim come from that moment in my life. :o

- Favorite color: Periwinkle! For no real reason, I just chose it when I was real young. xD
- Favorite animal: I don't have one. I used to say "bunnies" because Takara and my other sister already took "cat" and "dog"... xD But I really don't have a favorite animal. I'm not really that into animals.
- Favorite movie: Hm... I'm really bad at favorites. I like movies with Tom Hanks in them! 8D Haha. But for a recent-ish movie, one of my favorites is The King's Speech. Idk, I just really liked it.
- Favorite game: Video game? Um... probably Pokemon. Silver version was my favorite. ;o Haha. But they're all pretty good. :) I like gen 1 to 3 the best, though. Oh, I also love Professor Layton! :D I also like Fire Emblem and the Super Smash Brothers series, but you already knew that. xD

- Day your next birthday will be: I think it's a Thursday...? Yep. It is. April 25th! Yeah.
- How old will you be: 18. UGH, SAME AGE AS DARE...! I think I'll be really freaked out when I turn 31... because I'll be older than Stefan. xD He's my oldest character who isn't a parent. I wonder if I'll still draw Stefan when I'm 31?
- Age you lost your virginity: Haven't yet. Frankly, I'd like to get married first.
- Does age matter: In regards to what? :M;;;;

- Best personality: Um... hm. Well, someone who's not mean is probably the most important thing, as well as truthfulness. Then a sense of humor similar to mine would be good. Then a lack of pervertedness would be nice, but... I get that perverted jokes are funny to some guys. xD;;; SO YOU JUST HAVE TO ACCEPT IT SOMETIMES...
This is random.
- Best eye color: Not brown. Well, light brown is nice. But I think green, brown, and greyish eyes are just cool. ;o But really, it doesn't matter that much. xD
- Best hair color: Eh, I don't care. xD
- Best thing to do with a partner: Idk. Hang out? WHAT DO COUPLES DO?

- I love: drawing my characters. Buhhhh.
- I feel: bloated, because I ate recently.
- I hide: when I play hide and seek. (idk)
- I miss: being carefree.
- I wish: for people to continue being good.

AND... now it's late. xD; YEAH.

Costume Progress

Mood: Good
Currently working on: The next page of OFAV, a pic of Tim and Clair
Recently Added: Gabe of Summer, Hangin' Around

Hey guys! Looks like I just finished my 2nd week of school... which is weird, because it just feels like a continuation of last school year. xD;

But anyways, before that I just want to talk about the progress I've made with my Luli costume. Get ready for some bad-quality, strangely-angled, iPad-taken pictures!
So far, I haven't tailored or added anything to the dress (the most important part...). But I did buy some cool knee-length stockings! :V AND ALSO A PETTICOAT! Which is necessary. The petticoat I got is kind of weird because it's not made out of cloth, so much as synthetic stuff... which idk, it makes it a little uncomfortable to wear. Also, it's a little loose. But whatever, it works and I can keep it up on my body using a belt. :U I've been able to mess around with it and the dress a bit, so I have a general idea of how I think I'm going to fix up the dress.

Here's how the dress I'm going to tailor looks:
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Other than the color, it looks nothing like Luli's dress. xD Which is where the petticoat comes in. The petticoat is supposed to make it puffy like Luli's skirt:
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However, when I simply put the petticoat underneath of the dress, it looked like this:
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Because the dress was form-fitting from the waist to the top of the thigh, the dress kind of squished the petticoat and prevented it from puffing out all the way. It didn't have the right kind of shape.

So I need to pull the dress up from the waist to allow a wider circumference for the petticoat:
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Like this. That way the petticoat puffs from the waist out. Then I'll cut from the bottom up if I need to shorten the length.
By the way, the dress isn't pinned or sewn or anything in this picture. xD; I have a lot of cloth just bunched up in the back. I was holding it together with my fist, but when I let go it just stayed like that.

So that's what I plan to do. :D Hopefully I can start next weekend. I can't pin the dress up on my own, so I'm going to use my friend whose about the same size as me as a mannequin. HOHOHO.

And yeah. I want to finish by Halloween... ;u; Besides what I need for the dress what I have so far are the gloves, hat, and stockings... I still need to buy a wig (which I may do this weekend), shoes, and an umbrella. BUT YEAH! It's getting there... sorta... xD;

By the way, here are my wig options:
[one], [two], [three], [four]
The first one is the most expensive, but it's the one I like the best as far as the color goes. Although, the pigtails are a bit long. Same thing about the pigtails with the second and third ones. The last one is the cheapest and has short pigtails, but it comes from e-bay so it's questionable... and the color is also my least favorite. :T HUM. What do you guys think?

And so... yeah. That's what's going on with that. xD

As far as school goes, it's going alright. The only class I'm having trouble with is AP Physics C, because it's almost 100% self study/teach. ;A; B-BUT I'LL MAKE DO WITH IT...

I also need to study for the SAT. orz Yay!

This post probably looks long from all the pictures, so I'll stop. Thanks for reading! :V That's all for now.

Reporting Issue

I've been trying to report someone on theO (I won't mention the username for their safety's sake) for art theft. I know for certain that they're stealing art, because I confirmed it with the original artist on deviantART.

I reported several of the stolen works in their fan art gallary last week, and they're still haven't been taken down. :T
I thought maybe it was too soon for me to expect any results, but previously when I reported artwork it would be taken down in a day or two if I remember correctly. (But idk, my memory is kind of bad. xD) So I re-sent a report message I think on Friday or Saturday on only one of the stolen works.

Do you guys know how long I should wait for the art to be taken down? Is there an average length of time (in days) that it takes? :m I'm just wondering, because I'm not sure if the admins just haven't gotten to my report message yet or if there's some sort of other reason for the art not to be taken down. I was thinking it might've been because the username of the user on theO is very close to the deviantART user's username.

But anyways, yeah. Just wondering if there's a particular time period I should wait for these things to work. xD;

Character Meme that I stole. :m

Mood: Blugh.

I'm taking a break from homework, because it's review that I forgot how to do... ;u; I'll check online how to do it.


ALSO, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DARE! I can't believe the first day of school was on his birthday. xD; I would hate that.


1) Tomato
2) Stef
3) Gabe
4) Kasey
5) Jo

No Dean or TB... ;u; I was considering it, but then I thought I should include the girls...

1. [4] Wakes up in the morning to find [2] in the same room. What happens?
Kasey: EW, STEFAN!! What’re you doing here?! D:
Stefan: I just came here to pick up the make-up plans you had for Tomato to show to the photographer. :I More importantly, why did I receive such a negative reaction from you…

Kasey doesn’t want old guys in her room. (Stefan’s not that old.)

2. What would happen if [5] was trapped in an elevator with [4]?
Jo: Well. This is a problem.
Kasey: OHMIGOD JO, WE’RE TRAPPED! This totally sucks!
Jo: Yeah, this blows. I’ve got a movie to watch at 3:00…
Kasey: Oooh, which one?
Jo: You know, the one with that one guy and that one girl… about the beach or the horse or something.
Kasey: Ooh, yeah! I wanted to see that. It sounds totally cute!

And I guess they forget they’re trapped for a while, until someone saves them.

3. [1] Has the power to create [5]'s day into anyway they wanted. What would [1] do to [5]?
Tomato: So like, I’d make her have like the best day ever, kay? :D I’ll make her hang out with all her frieeeends, and go to expensive restaurants, but since I’m making all the rules and stuff she doesn’t have to pay for the food and stuff because I said so~ And I’ll also make her go shopping! :DDD At like super expensive stores! For free! And she gets all the clothes she wants!
Jo: (But I’d rather be sleeping… -u-)

5. [2] is cleaning [3]'s house when [2] finds an album of pictures of [2]. What does [3] do?
Gabe: Haha, uh...
I don’t really have a way out of this one, do I? :M;;;
Stefan: YOU DISGUST ME. And so does your room, which I suppose is why I’m cleaning it.

Strangely explanatory at the end. :m
To be fair, Stefan actually does acquire a picture of Gabe from when he used to be an underwear model. (He got it from Jo.)

6. What does [4] do when he/she is alone with [1]?
Kasey: Heeeeey, Tomatomatoma!! Did you hear about (blah blah blah)??
Tomato: Eeek, no way! That’s totally crazy, ‘cause I thought (blah blah blah)!!

I’m exaggerating their dialogue a bit... xD; Kasey’s nickname for Tomato was supposed to be Toma-toma-toma, but now it looks like tomato-mato-ma...

7. If [5] turned out to be an infamous criminal, what is the first thing [5] would do to [1]?
Hm… I dunno. Steal Tomato’s designer clothes? xD

8. [3] Is a history teacher, [2] fails his/her test and [3] had offered to let him/her come in after school. What really goes on after class? Does [2] show up and does [3] teach or leave? Explain!
-Stefan doesn’t show up afterschool to discuss his poor grades, and sees Mr. Gabe the next day in class-
Gabe: *Pretending to act teacherly* Stefan, I am extremely disappointed in you. Tsk tsk. Why didn’t you come to see me after class about your grades?
Stefan: Because I thought it would be unsafe to be alone in a room with you.
Moreover, why are you a teacher? I’m obviously more informed than you are on these topics. In fact, all of my answers were correct! I’m sure of it!
Gabe: Nuh-uh, see? You missed number 1—
Stefan: George Thorogood was not the first president of the United States! It was Washington! Wash-ing-ton!

I don’t think Gabe could ever be a history teacher.
George Thorogood is a singer. He sings WHOOOO DO YA LOOOOOVE?!?!

9. What would happen if [4] was a police officer?
Kasey: Watch out—It’s the fashion police! ;o Sorry ma’am, but your dress isn’t working for you. I’m gonna have ta ticket you.
Lady: ;A;

10. Now [1] thinks that he/she is [3]! How does [1] impersonate [3]?
Gabe: Haha, do I really talk like that? :D
Stefan: Not in the slightest.

11. [2], how shallow do you think [5] is? Either out of 1-10, 1 being not shallow at all, and 10 being extremely shallow.
Stefan: Janet? She’s not very shallow; I would give her a 3.

12. [4] could you tell us your guilty pleasures?
Kasey: Okayokayokay, it’s true… I looove McDonalds. *¬* I know it’s so bad for you, but it tastes sooooo goooood!

13. Okay, now [2] wants [3] be homosexual with another character! Who is the character that [2] chooses for [3]? Does [3] agree or not? (Can be with a character within this meme or another character of yours)
Stefan: Why would I want this? :I Regardless, he’s already homosexual.
Gabe: You’re no fun. >:m
Kasey: Hey hey, if this question wants Gabe to be homo, since he’s already gay does that mean it wants him to be straight? :o Like, it wants him to be the opposite?
Gabe: Gross, I don’t wanna do anything to a girl! D:
Stefan: No Kasey. Unlike how a negative number multiplied by a negative number equates to a positive number, asking a homosexual to be homosexual does not equate to heterosexualism.

Stefan, you talk in too long of sentences.

14. What would it take to make [5] fall in love with [4]?
I think I mentioned in Jo’s profile that it is canon for her to have a crush on Kasey for a minimal amount of time, but she gives up on Kasey because Kasey isn’t biromantic in the slightest.
So I guess it would take Kasey to be interested in girls for Jo to be re-interested in Kasey?

15. Now this meme is over, what will you do?

Yay. -u- I'll talk more about school on the weekend.


Mood: Bored

I thought it was funny. 8D

Yeah. I've been really bored lately. I need to read my books for summer homework. I'm almost done with Wuthering Heights, and Macbeth is pretty short....
Blahhhh. :I

I present to you my sincerest apologies for the sort and unenthusiastic post.