29 Years Old

Hey, I'm Raphael and I love OCs! Yeah. Also I study linguistics. Idk what to put here.

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Moonlit Dreams Disney Adventures: pt 1

mood: tired.. x_x
Currentally working on: The adventures of marth and roy: ch. 1, pg. 9/10
also working on: marth lowell
will work on: FEA (Fire Emblem Alchemist)

TIRED. guh.... i am sooooh tired. x_X nuuu.... i havent been on any extreme roller coasters or anything, cos i hate them.... but IM STILL REALLY TIRED. x_x i was walking around all day.... x3 i have almost no time to draw. ;3;
About the rides... i went on Splash Mountain. The water was REALLY STINKY. >_< it smelled sooooo bad. -___________- meh... too tired to type too much.... tune in for the next part of the "disney Adventures".


Mood: w00t-ish
Currentally working on: The Adventures of Marth and Roy: ch. 1, pg. 9
Also working on: Nothing.
Will work on: Marth Lowell(fan art) *hehe.... Lowell...*, FEA (Fire Emblem Alchemis)(Fan art and/or Mini Fan Comic)

Yo to all. -_-; Yesterday, i was talking to people in my comment box... so i decided to delete most of the comments that had to do with random conversations. xD yes. i can do that.... .3. so yeh. AND ALSO! i am going to Disney today in Florida.... >_< AND I DONT HAVE A SCANNNNNERRR!! ;3; noooo~
IN OTHER NEWS AGAIN.... you may have noticed for my will work on section, "FEA (Fire Emblem Alchemist)" is put as fan art and mini fan comic. .3. thats because i think i will first put up the picture... that i havent made yet. Then i'll make a mini comic to go with it. ^O^ since you wont actually see the picture until i come back from Disney, i'll tell you what it's gonna look like. :D lesse... a bunch of fire emblem characters will dress as FMA characters. ^O^ (i still dont know who will be who... i think Marth is gonna be... Roy Mustang...? O_o yeeeaah. xD)
ALSO AGAIN! i will be drawing on the plane.... I hope to finish TAOMAR chapter 1 soon... cos its really bothering me, that i havent even gotton past the chapter yet. x_X
That is all, doods. xD


Mood: tired...
Currentally working on: The adventures of Marth and Roy: ch. 1, pg. 8(fan comics)[finished]
Also working on: Happy Birthday!!(fan art)[submitted]

NOOOOOoOooOOoOOOooOOoo!! I'm going to florida to go to disney land... or whatever it was. o_0 but when i get there, i wont be able to scan stuff!! >_____< nooooooo!! I'll make lotsa pages of TAOMAR so i can scan them all when i get back. ;3; I also have to finish up that "Happy Birthday" picture.... cos it's taking me a long time. Have you ever had to draw 8 people in one picute? O_O Well, this will be a first for me. -_________- I still wanna draw Chiming Bells, but i think i should post up all the character profiles first.
BY THE WAY... does anyone know marth/roy's last names? o_O cos i needa know for later chapters...
Edit:: hehe... i think marth's last name is lowell. o_o (i was looking online n' stuff. x3)lowelllll.... >:D
Edit Ddit:: GAH!! I CANT FIND ROY'S LAST NAMEEEE!!! >__< whyyy??? ;3;


Mood: -_-+
Currentally working on: The Adventures of Marth and Roy: ch. 1, pg. 7(fan comics)[finished], wishing to work on Chiming Bells(fan comics)
Also working on: Happy Birthday!!(fan art), Drawing Princess(fan art)[finished]

ARGH! my printer doesnt have any ink left in it, and my dad didn't buy any ink yesterday... ;3; I can't draw a picture unless i print off a few pictures as a refrence... -______________- grah. whyy??? Also... I might start drawing Chiming Bells (see some of my fan art for info) because I need more htan jus one series. .o.
Edit:: YESS!! :D :D :D MY PRINTER HAS INK AGAIN!! >_< and now i can print off some pictures, and start drawing that "Happy Birthday" picture. >:O


Mood: EXCITEDD!! x3
Currentally working on: The Adventures of Marth and Roy: Ch. 1, Pg. 6
Also working on: Shiho Tsubaho(Fan art)[finished], Naoko Shanabe(fan art)[Draft Finished], Happy Birthday!!(fan art), Some random picture(fan art)

Wo0o0o0ooOO0t! (what the..? o_o) I entered a couple of contests! (actually, not quite yet, but soon.) Im drawing the pictures for contest still, but I will probably finish today or tomorrow. ^O^ I already finished the draft of one picture, (see it in deh draft section), and I have... 2 more to draw. One of them will probably only take me about... 2 hours to do. But the other one will probably have about... 6-8 people in one picture. o_0 thats a lot!! >_< I have never drawn a picture with more than 3-4 people, to be truthful. x_X so this is getting me all excited. >:D MY FIRST CONTESTS!!! :O :O :O wish me luck, people!! >w< (not that anyone reads this. -_-)
Edit:: I am almost done with both pictures for deh original character contest!! O:3 (thats a face i just made up... the "3" is deh eyebrows) I submitted the draft of the second picture, so tell me what you think of it. ^^