29 Years Old

Hey, I'm Raphael and I love OCs! Yeah. Also I study linguistics. Idk what to put here.

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GOOD MORNING/AFTERNOON/WHATEVER. I FEEL LIKE TYPING IN CAPS. >:O OH JEAHH. xD SOOO.... YEH. I HAVE NO PAPER AND STUFF AT THE MOMENT. X_X SCHOOL STARTS IN A WEEK.... NOOOOOO!! >_< yea.... no more caps. xD so.... i may not update anything for a while... ;3; w00t~ short update....

ROAR. i'ma monstur. >:0

Mood: THE CIRCLE OF LIIIIIFE!! >:0 *what the...?*
Currentally working on: NOTHING! ;3; my stuff is at a different house.
Also working on: SEE ABOVE.
Wishing to work on: EVERYTHING. x_x okay... not really... but the stuff i usually work on.

YOU may have NOTICED that my mood is THE CIRCLE OF LIIIIIFE. x3 its cos i just saw THE LION KING on stage. :0 it was pretty cooli-o, dood. xD and yeh... I DUN HAVE MY STUFFFFFFF. x_x noooo~ and since school starts soon, im not gonna b able to put up as much stuff as before. ;3; even though i joined a few weeks ago... >.>;; well... anyways.... I am going to start inking the pages of TAOMAR starting with the 2nd chapter. :D yey! now you will be able to see my ugleh pictures! :0 BY ZEE VEY... you may have noticed that i like to type stuff in CAPS. *craaka-boom* (Thunder/lighting sound fx. xD from ouran high school host club. >:30 well. I DO LIKE TO TYPE STUFF IN CAPS. >:0 oh, jah jah. xD but thats not what i was going to say... FOR THOSE OF YOU who think that TAOMAR is a fire emblem doujinshi, its not really. ._. notice how i put it in the "super smash bros" catagory. :3 so... yeh. tis all, doods. xD


mood: -______-
Currentally Working on: STUFF. >:[
Also working on: MORE STUFF. >:[
Wanting to work on: ALSO MORE STUFF. >:[

grah. =_= its one in the morning... i was trying to draw a picture a few hours ago.... and it looked hideous. ;3; noooo~~~ -________________- yeh. soh. wait a while before i start drawing again. AND WHY IS MY STOOPID SCANNER NOT WORKING?? O_x *presses deh scan button* WORK, I SAY! *eats scanner* -_- okay... so i didnt really eat the scanner. obviously. but even though my scanner is on and stuff... its not scanning. *attempts to scan a different way.* -_-;; *turns off scanner, then turns it back on* -_-;; *waits* w00t~ it works again. xD yosh, so now i am off to scan 4 new pages of TAOMAR. >:O oh, jahhh. xD

Moonlit Dream's Disney Adventures: pt. 3

Mood: W00T~
Currentally working on: The Adventures of Marth and Roy: Ch.1, pg. 13/14(Fan Comics)
Also working on: Sakura Angel, FEA, stuff i talked about before... (all Fan Art)
Wanting to work on: Chiming Bells: prolouge (Fan Comics), Transfer Student: introduction (Fan comics)

NOOOO~ i ran out of paper... ;3; nuuu... Well... tomorrow, im going back home... and you know what that means. SCANNERRR!! >_< i finished 4 pages in TAOMAR, so yeh. :3 w00t~ meh... and it rained a lot in disney... T^T noooooh.... OH YEH. i rode Space Mountain yesterday. ._. remember, i hate rollercoasters. I ALMOST BARFTED. TT_TT ewww... it was too fast... -________- ehh... so yeh. home sooon. :D

Moonlit Dreams Disney Adventures: pt 2

Currentally Working On: The adventures of marth and roy: Ch. 1, pg. 10(fan comics)[finished]
Also working on: Marth Lowell(fan art), FEA (fire emblem alchemist)(fan art/mini fan comic)
Will work on: something pit related... >3<

MUH. X_X so tiring.... today, it rained a lot. >:O so wet.... ;3; well, nothing really to talk about today. -_- I have problems with drawing here. ;3; i think its cos im too tired, and the air conditioning is too cold in florida. (why?? >__< nuuu.... ;3; well... i finished a page in TAOMAR at least....)
Edit:: WO0t~ i finished a few pages in TAOMAR. x3 (funneh name...) but now.... IM RUNNING OUT OF LEAD!! (graphite... whatever. >:O) but yeh. My pencils are running low on graphite. or maybe its grafite...? eh.... whatever. =_= my point is... i've got 2-4 more pages left in the chapter, meaning the first chapter was 10-15 pages long. (depending on how i arrange the next few pages...) so yeh. BE EXCITED. the insignifigant chapter is almost over. >:O