29 Years Old

Hey, I'm Raphael and I love OCs! Yeah. Also I study linguistics. Idk what to put here.

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w00t~ is an awesome word, noh? :3

Mood: w00t~
Currently working on: The adventures of Marth and Roy: ch.1 pg. 15(fan comics), Chiming Bells, prolouge(fan comics)
Also working on: Kiyumi Arashima, atlantica Form (still!! x_X)(Fan Art), Something w/ Rinchu Katohashi, my OC. (Fan Art)

Yes, I know. You're all jealous of the word w00t~ xD Yea. So, I made a picture with Rinchu Katohashi. :3 I drew her like... 10 times yesterday, on a piece of paper. xD Yea... Brainstorming costumes... Oh. You may not know this, but she's gonna be in TAOMAR. (Dx TAOMARRRR!!! xDD) :0 Noh way, dood. An oc in a SSB comic? That's not allowed, dood. xD Yes it is, for I am the author. She'll appear in deh 3rd chapter. :0 I'm planning it aaaall out. xD It'll be deh shoujo chapter. x0 Starring Marth, of course.
Marth: What? Why me?
Because you're the girly-est. :3
Marth: -_-
Yea so.... Submitting deh pictow.... woo~ accepted!! xD
Editt:: hehe... .3. 2 ts. xD ANYWAYS... Just here to say that I just finished CHAPTER ONEE!! :0 (In The Adventures of Marth and Roy.) yehh... I just have to do the next chapter page, and I can get started on CHAPTER TWO. >:0

More Stuff

Mood: Have a Namine. :D
Currrently working on: Same stuff as always... EXCEPT!! Full Glass Alcheblah.(Fan Comics)
Also working on: Kiyumi Arashima Atlantica Form(Fan Art), Rinchu Katohashi(Fan Art), Maybe other stuff.

Yea... have a Namine... I read Cherryshock's Open CanvasTutorial for the 3rd time. xD Yea. Soo.... new fan comic coming up. Takara and I are gonna work on it together. We both do the script, I do the pictures, she does the coloring. :0 It's supposed to be like Full Metal Alchemist, but it's different. xD You shall see. YOU SHALL SEE! 0_0 And w00t. I'm almost done with Kiyumi Arashima. And I know I haven't talked about it at all, but I finally decided on how I wanted Rinchu Katohashi to look. Who is she? You shall see. YOU SHALL SEE!! 0_0 For the second time. So yes. For the stuff I'm working on... YOU SHALL SEE!!!! 0_X

This world needs a makeover. x_x

Mood: drawing-ish
Currently working on: Chiming bells: prolouge(fan comics)
Also working on: Kiyumi Arashima Atlantica form(fan art), FEA(Fire Emblem Alchemist)(Fan art)
Wanting to work on: More stuff. ;3;

Yea... I just finished listening to "Bob the Builder" REMIXX!!! x0 ohh, jeahh. xD It was freaky. If you wanna see it, just go to youtube and type in "Bob the Builder" and click on the first thing. IT IS SO FREAAAKKYY. xD. Just watch it.
ahem... anyways... This world needs a new look. x_X So weird looking.... yea. I needa work on that.... still.... w00t~ im almost done with FEA and Kiyumi Atlantica form. :D FINALLY. I needa start working on other stuff... welll... thats pretty much it... nothing really to type about.
xDD just watch it, dood. xD

A new comic...?

Mood: lalala.... (why do i always put something here that isnt a mood? o_o)
Currently working on: The adventures of marth and roy: ch.1, pg. 15(fan comics), Chiming Bells: Prolouge(Fan comics)
Also working on: Kiyumi Arashima, Atlantica Form(Fan Art), FEA(Fire Emblem Alchemist)(fan art)

Yea... It's about time i got working on FEA or whatever. xD Well, i am currentally e-mailing myself pages 13 and 14 of TAOMAR, so i can get them when i get back to the computer with the rest of my stuff. :3 The chapter will probably be over by page 15, and then i can finally start working on Chapter 2. :D w00t~ yey. x3 Also, im working on chiming bells. :0 I cant figure out how i wanna put the prolouge together, though. (i've only done 2 panels of the prolouge. x_X) but... yeah. Im finally starting to get back on track. :3 but when school starts, i'll get all confoozed again. x[ oh well. :3
Also... I'm trying to get a good pose for Kiyumi's Atlantica form... I want her swimming around fish, somehow, but im not sure how to draw that. Does anyone have any refrence pics? xD well, i'll get it eventually.
Also... (again.... ._.;;) You may have noticed how lazy i am when i write these posts... xD I hardly ever capitalize things, except occasionally, at the biginning of sentances, or when i do THIS. :D so yea... dont mind that...
Bleh. I think it's about time that this world got a makeover. *begins to work on that*

WHYYYY??!! x_X

Mood: see title
Currentally working on: The adventures of marth and roy: ch.1, pg. somewhere around 15... (working on inkage. xD)
Also working on: Kiyumi Arashima(atlantica form)

ROAR. i wont be able to scan the next page of TAOMAR (x3 everytime i type that, it sounds stoopid.) until... sunday/monday. Why? Becausei scanned the page and saved it on a different computer than the one im using now. x_X You may be wondering, why not just scan it again? Well, remember when i inked the most recent page? see this diagram >> http://i39.photobucket.com/albums/e153/takarafox/akiohs%20album%20of%20junk/Dontask3.png
edit:: stoopid thing... deleted the rest of my post... ANYWAYS... i cant re scan it because the paper got all smudged. pretty much. i dont feel like typing the reason all over again. BUT. i have more pages done than i have posted up. :3 so yeh. wait for them. WAIT!