29 Years Old

Hey, I'm Raphael and I love OCs! Yeah. Also I study linguistics. Idk what to put here.

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Roar. :3

Mood: Normal?
Currently working on: The Adventures of Marth and Roy: Ch. 2, Cover page[coloring]; Ch. 2, pg. 2(fan comics),Chiming Bells: Prolouge(Fan comics)
Also working on: Kiyumi Arashima Atlantica form[inking](fan art)

yey. school was today. =_= Urgh. xD I was able to work on my comic today, since it was the first day. :3 but i'll prolly get behind scheduel with homework and stuff soon enough. x_X noooOOOOOOoOoO!! x_O roar.
hehe... chapter 2... CHAPTER TWOOOOO!!!! (referring to the adventures of marth and roy) o_0 (yea, i know. you think im freakish. o_o) yea... well thats pretty much it. .3. yey. x3


mood: nervous
Currently working on: nothing

It's 7:00 in the morning when i posted this.
just here to say
yea. i like school and all... but im still nervous
yea. See you all at like... 4:00. .3.


Just a quicky update... I FINALLY ADDED ALL DEH PAGES!! well... most of them. .3. i'm still working on the 15th page in chapter 1. (putting in deh text and stuff)
w00t~ inkage. xD I'm gonna start inking all the pages. (like i told yeh earlier. :3) so... YEA. be excited. xD

Ladeda~ :D

Mood: Happeh
Currently working on: The Adventures of Marth and Roy: Ch. 2 Cover Page(fan comics), Chiming Bells: prolouge(fan comics)
Also woking on: Nothing. .3.

Yey. :D Random information... i needa learn how to draw palutena...
Person reading world: Who's Palutena? o_0
Y'know when Pit uses his final smash thing? yea. She's that lady who appears in deh background. :D w00t~ xD She's the only person I have to learn how to draw for deh next chapter. >:0 I already know how to do Ike and Pit. (Is that counted as a spoiler? o_0) Yea... .3.
YEEEEESSS!! O_O today IS THE day that I WILL scan my comikk pages!! >:0 hopefully. ._. but lesse how many pages i hafta submit... so i stopped at page 9.... 15-9=6! i needa submit 6 pages. :D yey. xD
by the way, is anyone good at drawing people kissing? i REALLY needa practice. xD that is my biggest weakness. :3


Mood: blarg-ish. :3
Currently working on: nothing. x_x
Wanting to work on: STUFF. but i dont have a desk to draw on...

Noooh.... i dun have a scanner... my mom's scanner is at my dad's house, but i'm at my mom's house.... ._. Wait till tomorrow for updaties. :D
Also, since school is starting soon, i'll only be able to update when i have a scanner. (duh. x_o) that will be every other week. :D wait. thats not the right face. D: much better.
In other news, i found a coolio pen at my grandma's house. :D I wont be able to use it to ink comic pages, but i can use it for fan art. :0 oh jeahh. xD tis all, dood. :0