29 Years Old

Hey, I'm Raphael and I love OCs! Yeah. Also I study linguistics. Idk what to put here.

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More random...

Mood: :3
Currently working on: The adventures of marth and roy: ch.2, pg. 10(fan comics), chiming bells: prolouge II(fan comics)
Also working on: Same as last time(fan art), Ayane, Dead or Alive 3(Fan art), Weapon of Choice(mini fan comic)

yay~ xD i finished the person on paint. :3 yay! and i'm submitting another page of taomar soon. :3 yayyy.
x3 yeah.
i dont feel like typing.
w00t~ x3


Mood: ^-^
Currently working on: The adventures of Marth and Roy: ch. 2, pg. 9(fan comics), Chiming Bells: Prolouge II
Also working on: Same stuff as last time, Girl on Paint Colored(Fan Art)
Sneak peak~: (girl on Paint Colored)
External Image
(So hard... x_X)

Yay! I just finished coloring the hair for the girl on paint piccu. x3 Its really hard!! o_o It's taking me foreverrrrr. x_______x gahh. x3
wells, thats really all. x3 yay~


Mood: c:
Currently working on: The Adventures of Marth and Roy: ch. 2, pg. 9 or something. x_X (fan comics), Chiming Bells: Cover Page (fan Comics), Transfer student: Cover Page(Fan Comics)
Also Working on: Father and Son[featuring Pit and Ike][If you havent read my comic, you wouldnt understand. x3](Fan Art), Some sort of Pit fan art..., Some sort of Ike fan art...

Yeahh.... I'm in a Ike and Pit sort of mood. x3 I was randomly thinking one time, and i realized i have never drawn a colored picture of ike. o_o IT WAS BOTHERING ME LIKE CRAZEE. X_X yeahh. And i noticed i haven't drawn a colored picture of Pit either. .3. yeahh. IT WAS ALSO DRIVING ME NUTS. x3 yup... so... that's soon to come.
Whats also soon to come is my original manga, Chiming Bells. :D When i was in 5th grade, (when i first created it), it took me forever to come up with a title. :D i was really into rave master back then, so i wanted to name it "magic warriors" or something stupid like that. x3 (By the way, i came up with the title for The Adventures of Marth and Roy back in 3rd or 4th grade. (that's when i first started drawing. my pictures were TERRIBLE. nothing like they are now. x3) The title of that pretty much sums up the story, so i kept it. But for Chiming Bells, i wantes something different. And so, the titel was made a few years ago. :D yay~ Also, i needa start working on the cover for Transfer student. I made the first page already, so i needa start it. D:(

Moofy and NapkinBoy!!

Mood: tired. x_X
Currently working on: stuff. x_X

I'm at my grandma's house right now. Takara and I'll be at a wedding on saturday, so.... yea.... .3. short update


Mood: happy
Currently working on: The adventures of Marth and Roy: ch. 2, pg. 5, 6, and 7(fan comics), Chiming bells: cover(fan comics), Transfer student: Prolouge, pg. 2(fan comics)

Yay~ hey everyone. ^-^ i would like it if you went to my friend starryxnightxsky. she just made her account yesterday. ^-^ by the way, she said that her computer doesnt scroll all the way down for the comment boxes. o_0 so if she doesnt reply.... yeah... .3.
well, i finally finished another page in TAOMAR. :D finally. x3 i gotta ink a few more pages, so yeah... .3.
tis all, dood. x3