29 Years Old

Hey, I'm Raphael and I love OCs! Yeah. Also I study linguistics. Idk what to put here.

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508 views (Rank: # 63 / 7167)

Mood: o_0
Currently workin on: See WIP post below

what the...? rank 63/7167? o_o does everyone have this? please tell me. xDD its really weird. x3 wheee~ :D does that mean my world is populaaarr? :D:D no... -_-;; i just get lots of comments from talking to fire.freak. xD woo~ :D
yeah. bye. i go to school now.

Works In Progress. :D

Mood: tired, but happy. :3

Today, I decided I'm gonna show you all my works in progress. :D be happy, fools. >:3

1) Keiji and Koiji: http://i39.photobucket.com/albums/e153/takarafox/akiohs%20album%20of%20junk/KEiJiandKOIjI.png
These two are twins, who will appear in my manga Transfer Student, If I ever get around to making it... :D Man... I totally stole Roxas's checkerboard stuff... .3. sorry. ;_;

2)Hichiro: http://i39.photobucket.com/albums/e153/takarafox/akiohs%20album%20of%20junk/Hichiro.png
This is another character to appear in Transfer Student. :3 yeah... typical guy w/ long hair... ._.;;

3)Piiit~ again...: http://i39.photobucket.com/albums/e153/takarafox/akiohs%20album%20of%20junk/PitGimp-.png
Yeahh... Another picture of Pit.... .3.

Whee~ that's all of the works in progress for now...


Mood: Normal

Today is going to be the day I hand out gifts to the people who have been my good friends. (I can only do 3 a month, right? I may have to finish up next month.)
so. If you get a gift from me, congradulatons. xDD yeahhh... >.>;;

Random Work in Progress:: http://i39.photobucket.com/albums/e153/takarafox/akiohs%20album%20of%20junk/Ifightformyfrieeendddss.png

Taking foreeever. x_x I'm bad w/ paint. xD

Whee. xD

Mood: -_-
Currently working on: whatever.
Also working on: Random pictures. xD

blah. x_x I'm working on another pit picture. :> why? Cos I wanted to practice more w/ gimp, so I decided that I could use pit for deh picture. x3 whee. .3.
bored.... -_-


Mood: tired. x_x

Hey guys. I just had an idea for a mini comic. xD yeahh.... .3. I should probably work on it now. xDD
please ignore my very small world entries. xD