Summer Schedule

I’m finding that I really like my summer schedule for school. It’s my first summer at college and only taking a few classes instead of going full time is really nice. ^_^ I enjoyed the fall and the spring semester, but sometimes it was so busy that I felt like my head was spinning. o_O

I had great fun during my break though, I went on a Doctor Who marathon and watched all of season one and season two of the new series. So now I’m completely addicted to the show. XD I really like the current Doctor a lot. He just fits the role so well! Hehe.

Let’s see… for other stuff here at theOtaku, Adam had a post up on his world about needing a Category Guru so I applied for the job. I’m pretty excited to have been chosen and about being given a chance to help out with that. ^_^ I like gathering and organizing data so I’m thinking it’s going to be a lot of fun to do.

That about covers everything, I think. :p I’m sure there’s stuff I’ve forgotten, in which case once I remember, it can go into my next post! Hehe.
