Recipe for Onion Soup

canned chicken broth
onion powder
garlic powder
minced onion (spice)
corn starch (mixed)
Knorr chicken bouillon
sea salt *optional*
tumeric *optional*

The amounts vary on however many people you are making the soup for, but these are the correct ingredients for Onion Soup.

1. Set the pan to about halfway between an simmer and a boil.
2. Add in broth
3. Add in minced onion, onion powder, chicken bouillon, tumeric, and garlic powder. Stir.
4. Add in milk. Stir
5. Mix corn starch and temp it (add some broth into it and slowly transfer the mixture into the pan while stirring the broth to keep lumps out)
6. Add tumeric and stir. Mixture should be a mustardy yellow.
7. Cover and let sit for 5 minutes.
8. Add in a small amount of sea salt.

There ya go ♥
