Michael's Bashir Interview 2002-2003 Part 1

I've looked this up to see if this Bashir guy is mean, and he is! O_o But Michael is so cute and innocent during this interview. One of my favorite parts is when Michael is climbing the tree and asking Bashir to climb it with him.

Michael: Aren't you coming?

Bashir: No way!

Michael: This is a big secret. I never show anyone my giving tree...

Bashir: Okay, I'll try... I'm slightly worried about my shoes slipping...

Michael: Come on! *waves up to Bashir*

Bashir: Is it safe?

Michael: *laughs* Of course!

Bashir: I'm frightened! Alright I got a stump here...

Michael: *on top* You don't climb trees?

Bashir: No, I do not.

Michael: You're missing out...

Bashir: I'll lead you to it...

XD If it was a regular 44 year old man climbing a tree, I would be laughing. But this is Michael we are talking about here.

