I should really apologize...

So I traded washing someone elses dishes for cleaning the bathroom which btw really was already clean. So I'm in there cleaning off the sink wiping it down and what not and my niece, who is only a few years younger than me, walked in asking to wash her hands. I knew something bad was going to happen but she insisted that she wash her hands in that bathroom even though we have three more.

She washed her hands but she didn't dry them with the paper towel. You know how you have that extra water drippings that stays on your hands, she threw all of it on me and it was a lot and on impulse I took the paper towel that I was wiping the sink off with, mind you that its soaking wet and folded very tiny and we all know everything hurts worse when its wet and I threw it at her.

I have really bad aim and I mean bad enough where you can be standing 2 feet away from me and I still miss. It hit her straight in the face sounding off the onne time when I wish I missed I didn't and now that I look back on it the look on her face was priceless but I really should apologize...

My brain awesome isn't it!
